The king of Stormwind is an unforgiving loser.
While finishing up Dragonblight on Lightfur, I got a pretty epic chain that ended up with me following Thrall, Zul'Jin (or whatever his name is) and Lady Sylvannis into a now-hostile Undercity. I was buffed in to oblivion and, in essence, made invinceble. The whole quest-event was kill, kill, move up a bit, kill, kill boss, repeat. Eventualy we got to the Royal Quarter and killed the big boss, Velatheris (whats his name, that big demon guy that stands next to Sylvannis.). I was expecting to complete the quest, get my rewards, and be on my way, but nooo.
Vorian had to show up with a couple guards. Great. He made a big "I hate you all burn in Hellfire" speach, proclaiming himself the biggest loser in all of WoW, and attacked us. The cheek!
Of course Jinia Proudmore showe up and teleported the Allience guards away, (I'm sure we could have killed them anyway...)and Thrall had a big emo-attack. /sigh.
[Edit]: Vorian should be thrown in the Stockades for attempting to create war that both the Allience and the Horde cannot afford, with the Lich King closing in on them and all.
The moral of this story is -- Rassaa is getting a nightsaber. Vorian, and Stormwind, is to annoying to be exlated with.