"Did you kill the human scum?" Sungore asked, rapping his claws on the arm of his throne. His bright blondish gold glittered in the dull light of the Lord's Chamber. It wasn't a large building, only big enough for his throne, bed and table. Still, it was grander then any other building on Felinious land, it had walls without gaps and a roof made of wood, not grass.
"Yes sir, I mean, my lord!" My friend, Moonblood, stammered. I decided to help her out, being near her father always freaked her out.
"Yes, my lord, the humans won't be getting any information from
those spies." I said with a measured amount of respect. Sungore twitched his whiskers contemptuously, his golden tail swishing with ever-present irritation.
"Good. Your next assignment is to go away. Go study or whatever you idiot students do. Lupo, whatever your name is, you can stay in the tribe. For now." Lord sungore growled. I nodded, then glanced at Moonblood meaningfully. We left the building.
It was dawn outside, the rising sun staining the dry, grassless ground red, like the blood of the sky spilled upon the ground. The clans land wasn't large, just a chunk of wastelands that the humans had rejected. Still, it worked as our home. A few Felinious -- the half cat residents of the Tribe -- where jumping out of the trees they slept in, talking to friends and organizing hunts. A mother Felinious with stunning white fur was herding two kits towards a tree, where they sat. All in all, it would have been a wonderful sight is all of the people weren't terribly skinny, so much that they seemed living skeletons with fur. The kits began crying, begging for food.
"Come on," I muttered to Moonblood, who was inspecting her claws. "Lets go to the Library and study. I want to learn why the humans are so savage." Moonblood nodded her white and black spotted head and we set off towards the library, weaving around starving elders with not enough strength to get up.
The library was the smallest of the buildings in our land, with just enough room for two shelves of old, yellow books and a bench. As soon as I entered, I heard a loud hiss and a black cat threw itself at me from where it had been sitting on top of a stack of books. Taken by surprise, I growled and swatted at it. The cat landed its back paws on my hand and pushed off, doing a flip before landing back on the books and arching its back.
"Hey Blueleaf." said Moonblood calmly. The cat seemed to relax when it saw her, jumping on to her furry shoulders and purring.
"Hi Moonblood." the cat said. I tried to stop from gaping, I really did. The cat looked at me and twitched its whiskers in amusement.
"Yes, I am an Origin Felinious. My name is Blueleaf. Nice to meet you, Lupis of the Canious tribe." she said.
Idiot, I told myself,
you know Origins can read minds! Of course she knows your name. "So, what are you looking for today?" she asked, jumping gracefully back to her stack of books. Still shocked by seeing an Origin, I stammered my response.
"A history on, on humans." Blueleaf looked up at me, her tail strait up like an exclamation point.
"Ooo!" she exclaimed, jumping off the books and, when she landed, trotting towards one of the shelves of books.
"This shelf is all human history. Wars, diseases, famines, discoveries, all of that. Now, for you I would suggest..." Blueleaf stood up on her hind legs, putting her front paws on an old, thick book titled, "The Road to Glory, Humans and Why they Succeeded."
"Why they succeeded! I know that already, they just kill everything that gets in their way. I want to know what will make them fail!" I growled. Blueleaf dropped down to all fours and gave me a calculating look.
"Ah, but those are one and the same, are they not?" she asked. I opened my jaws to say something, then gave it up. It was no use, arguing with an Origin. They where always one step ahead. I leaned down and picked up the book, flipping it open to a random page.
"Many philosophers think that the human race is going to grow so advanced that eventually they will colonize other planets." I read aloud. Moonblood, who had been silent for a while, looked at me sideways and said, "Uh?". Shrugging my black furred shoulders, I sighed and replied, "I don't know what it means either. Oh well, thanks Blueleaf." The Origin, who had jumped back on to her stack of books, waved her tail in farewell as Moonblood and I left the building, wondering what to do next.
"We could go hunting." suggested Moonblood. I shook my head, replying, "No, the humans no doubt realized that their scouts are dead and now have probably sent more troops. It's too risky to go out now." At first I was confused by the shocked, horrified expression on Moonblood's cat-like face. Then I realized what I was saying, and smacked myself in the muzzle.
"Correction," I announced, "That sounds like a great idea! Lets go hunting."
Do ya like it? It gets more exiting. This is just the beginning.