Yes, I am still alive.
Just don't have that much to talk about in my life. :-P
Lets see..
I could talk about how Echo barfed in the car again. Or the enormous.. yeah...
I could talk about videogames.
I like that idea.
So, lets start. First off- Left4Dead 2.
Looks epically awesome! I -love- Left4Dead. More zombies, more guns, chainsaws, new creepy zombies, new high-tension areas...
I hope it has a storyline this time. Last time was kind of disappointing in that way, but then again, you can't pay attention to storyline when you have a mob of zombies on your heals.
Then there is Assassin's Creed 2.
This is what I've taken from the trailer/commercials..
Same game (a few cooler ways to kill people), with a total cliche of a character. Long dark hair in a ponytail, obviously handsome, driven by rage/revenge... Really? You can do better then that. Altiar was a freaking awesome badarse. This guy looks like your typical comic character.
Plus, it looks like they tried to turn your character into a superhero.
Also.. Killing guards with a sledgehammer? Oh, that's exactly what assassins who don't want to be noticed do.
Also also, the trailer? Almost exactly the same as the first games. :-/
And you had a -love interest- at one point? YOU'RE AN ASSASSIN. I know I'm probably being stereotypical, but really!
So, yeah. Any thoughts?