Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Yes, it has..

I had a weird reminiscing moment today. I was chatting with Preeti on Facebook, and Geethika brought up Pebbles, and that made me think about the PEBBLES! running joke, and then the Lobster Claw joke...
*Activates seriousness*
It's funny. When something leaves, you don't think about it much. You just move on. Things fade away.
Then something is said, or thought, or done. Someone says PEBBLES! or LOBSTER CLAW! and there I go, thinking about watching Pirates of the Caribbean and yelling at the bloody idiot characters. Making jewelry and trying to figure out what they where called, reading the name "Lobster Claw" and cracking up, even seeing the part that said "Latch" after the "Lobster Claw". That lead to something like this;

"Lobster Claw?"
"Lobster Claw?"
"Lobster Claw!"
"Loobster Claaw!"

And every once in a while in school,
"Hey, hey Preeti!"

And then me prattling on and on about WoW things that nobody understood, and mentioning Pebbles the crab, and then, after a while,

*squeaky high voice* "PEBBLES!"
*Squeaky higher voice* "PEBBLES!!!"

And so on..

You know, we don't do that much anymore.
*Seriousness off*

GEETHIKA. Get the freak back here.
Or else I'm going to LOBSTER CLAW your face.

We can't do the PEBBLES triangle without you!

Note - New WoW patch came out. And I can't hear chat.
You know how irritating that is?