You know what I mean. Those pets that you see and think, "Beautiful pet, but it must suck mold. How do you live with that thing?" when it claws or flys by. There are several that some people think are rather squishy (Some people don't though, I personaly approve of people who stand up for the little buggers!).
Nether Rays
Now, some of these guys are considered wimpy for there skills. Sporebats, for instence, can not learn anything but Cower, growl, etc. They can not learn Dash, bite, claw (But not learning claw and bite makes sense... THey neither have mouthes or claws! But why not Dash? Or Dive?).
Serpents, well, I don't know why people sometimes don't like them. For instence, when Bluefur was level 19, he ran out to the Barrens to get a Deviot Serpent. When asking for help getting one, somebody thought up the brilliant answer of, "Dont get a serpent cuz thay suk. Get a Raptor nub." Well what if I don't WANT a raptor?!
Anyway, my snake stayed with me until about 39, when I actualy did get a raptor. *sigh* I will report, however, that he was an AWSOME pet! In fact, I recently got on Vallrok and set my hard-earned Shy-Rotam free and went into Zul'Gurub, (where I died several times. Those guys are TOUGH, even with a 70 priest with me!) and got myself a brown snake. Who knew you could swim around the enemies and get a snake without killing anything? Gosh!
By the way, for the record, the snake got taller than me as soon as I tamed him. I wonder how tall with Beastil Wrath... *evil cackleing insues*
I love hyenas. I would have a bunch of Hyenas, but they have one back side... The animation is bugged >.<
They have the movement (attack and mountspecial kind of things, not run.) of wolves, and that seriously bugs up the Hyenas... Bum. When they attack, their tail (and whole rump!) retracts into it's back, looking very peculiar. And, when they die and do that mountspecial where they scratch themselves, their tail elongates tramendously. It rather sucks, because I love some of the looks!
Tallstriders. I really don't see what people don't like about them, Rassaa has one and it is easily soloing 2-3 mobs. Seriously, my big ostriche rocks! Anyway, they have a +5% health modier, with no -% on anything! Plus, they come in many floresent colors that apeal to many hunters. Who wouldn't love a pink tallstrider running around behind you?
Nether rays... Well, they are really cool looking, and have interesting stats -- DPS: +3%, AR: -10%, HP: +10%.
But, I see a reason for people not to like them. Yeah, they don't learn much, and also they are all, or almost all, Casters. And caster pets requier alot more attention then a nice Tallstrider or kitty. The only color of Nether Ray that is not made up of casters only is Netherrayskinblue, and it is only found in dungeons. So sad!
Crabs are just cool. Not only do they make a cool "Click-click" noise when they run, they also have nice Armor!
And, who couldn't resist the idea of having a massive CRAB flaying your enemies? (plus, they grow to giant sizes after a few levels!)
Crocolisks canbe reliable pets, if you are fond of the six-legged look. (Personaly, I think they are rather confident, powerfull-looking creatures.) Sometimes people do not like thr gasping noise they make, but I find it calming. *Coo-coo clock noises*
Also, they have +10% armor. (-5% health, but hey, thats cool.)
I have run into few hunters with Spider pets. Why not more? Well, the only three reasons I can find is,
1. They are rather nasty, disgusting looking creatures! Some people are just creaped out seeing a spider that size crawling behind you.
2. Their legs are meant to move quickly even when the spider is walking. When they RUN, the legs move much to fast and it looks ackword.
3. They can only learn Bite!!! Seriously, they should get "Spider Spit" or "Silk Web."
So if you are looking for a pet to just hang around with and solo, maybe get a few whispers about your exotic pet, look towards these guys. If you are looking for BG/Raid, umm, go look for some Wolf/Owl/Ravager/Cat kind of beasties ^.^