Rassaa hit 10 a couple of minutes ago, but unlike my usual "Drop-Everything-And-Tame" ritual, I continued my gnome killing quest until I finished, turned it in, then ran to Brewnall Village to turn in quests there! When everything was done, I headed back to Kharanos to start the tasks. Unfortunetely, on her way, another dwarf bumped into her and asked where Brewnall Village was.
"East, past the mountain valley" I told him, and even pointed in the right direction.
"Eh? You will have to show me." He responded.
Now do you see why Rassaa likes Draenie more?
10 minutes and a jog from Brewnall to Kharanos later, I was standing next to a boar who, ignorently, was eating a small grass sprout. I tamed him and quickly let the beast free, for boars are just not my thing.
I set out again to tame a Snow Leopard. Although I am rather fond of the white spotted skin, I am sick and tiered of cats for it seems EVERYONE has them. However, I held on to him for longer than usual, admiering the cats soft coat and gracefull run.
For the second to last time I ran out of Kharanos, heading for a Ice Claw Bear. I do like the bears massive size and power, but it seems that every dwarf out there has a Bear of some sort, be it tan or black or grey. When I tamed it, I thought about grabbing Mangleclaw later on, but dissmissed the thought when I noticed that Timber was waiting up on the hill, a pack of three wolves behind him.
After the quest there, she went to Ironforge and learned to train pets. She ALSO learned that Alliance can be... Dumb. There were 6-7 naked gnomes at the enterence, and a Night Elf was yelling at people to be ready for the "gnome race." I dissmissed myself and ran like a panicked cat away from Ironforge, towards the Iceflow lake where I knew Timber was awaiting me.
Timbers pack was not happy to see me, and I resorted to nuking one wolf out of the pack, running into the pond, and repeating. It worked pretty well, as you can see by the picture above! Now I just need a name...
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