I was goofing around on my little level 10 hunter (I only really play her when my friend comes over, but I wanted to level her up a bit.) After painfully leveling her up from 6 to 10, I scavanged around for a nice mage to portal me to Thunder Bluff. I will note that this took *way* longer than I had hoped it would! But, I was lucky and found a very nice mage that happily ported me and refuses my tip. WooT nice people ^^
I ran out into Bloodhoof Village and hung out for a minute, then ventured a bit south to find a Prairie Wolf. I tamed the highest level one I found, and *very* easily leveled him up to 10. Why did I get a low level wolf? Prairie Wolves are special -- they bark when you click them, like that level 35 wolf, Spot, in Theramore Isle. I named him something really lame, but this charecter likes cute names for her little anklebiter pets. Therefore, I named him "yipper" or "yip" for short.
By the way, my friend asked me why most people don't have a barking wolf. The short answer, they don't know about the skill. The long answer, they don't constently check Petopia for new pets (or old pets) with special talents. In a new hunters mind, a level 10 when tamed wolf is better than a level 6 when tamed wolf.
Aannyway, my little hunter now has a friend.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Bluefur hits 60!

Outlands has treated me well (except for a few Orc misshaps...) and I did get to 60. Well, after a load of quests and a pet adventure. That is, I did every quest that I felt like doing and grabbed a Diseased Wolf. And after all this, 60!!! I had 660 gold (400 of it from Allicat, a great friend) so I flew off to Shattrath and ported to Org. Lucky for us Hunters, the Wolf Vendor/Trainer, hunter trainer, and pet trainer are all in the same general area. (Woot! Wolf mounts for the WIN!) I ran to the wolf vendor and bought the wolf I had decided on long before a Swift Timber Wolf! I got so excited over it that I kind of forgot to train pet and hunter skills, and I was in Eastern Plaguelands (to get a Plagued Swine pet) grabbing the boar.
Then I was in Thrallmar with my hearthstone on its 1hour cooldown on. After a few kills with my boar, I remembered to train it Growl. (I forget to train that ALL of the time.) When I opened the tab, however, I noticed I still only had Growl rank 6, level 50. I needed Growl rank 7, 60! And my hearth was on cooldown. Fun >.<

Note: I named the boar Soul.
Well, it took an hour, but I got to Org again after my hearth went off CD and I trained for pet/hunter skills. Now I am officialy a 60 hunter!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Meet SummerGale!

Rassaa has been dornment for a while, and finely I figured I should get on her and at least try out a new pet. Because long aggo I let free poor old Timber, (he was giving me that sad, longing look.) I had a free stable slot. I then logged off again, because a Horde friend wanted me to run him through WC. *Sigh*
Durring the long WC, I noticed that some nice animals roamed around in not difficult to get areas. Specificaly, the Deviate Stinglash, a green windserpent. It was level 16-17, and Rassaa was 17, so it was my level. The only problem was that Green just isn't my color. Personaly, I like the white and blue ones better. But, I would have to live, because I wouldn't be seeing a blue one until 19 and a white one until 25/26.
I got on Rassaa and flew to Booty Bay, then got on the boat to Ratchet, where I roamed around and admired animals. (I actualy tamed a lion and a raptor at one point but wasn't satisfied with either.) The run to WC took only a minute, and soon I was fighting my way to a windserpent. For self protection I tamed a temporary black raptor, who was disapointingly small. I was kind of hoping for a towering protector, not a lame little lizard.
When a Windserpent finely came into sight, I released my pet and started taming, and learned that it had a nockdown. However, I just started the tame again, and it never used the nockdown that time. When it was tamed, I noticed that it was the kind of pet I was looking for -- It was nearly two times my size! I hearthed to Loch Modan and showed it off, soon deciding that she was a girl.
I was expecting to have the long, "what do I name her?" sesions, but infact the name came to mind very quickly. I always figured Wind Serpents should have something to do with weather or wind in their names, so Gale came to mind. (This is also because in Zelda wind is always represented by a Green symbol.) Summer sounded nice to go along, and green always reminded me of summer, so their it was -- SummerGale. It matched her perfectly! Woohoo, Rassaa!
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