Outlands has treated me well (except for a few Orc misshaps...) and I did get to 60. Well, after a load of quests and a pet adventure. That is, I did every quest that I felt like doing and grabbed a Diseased Wolf. And after all this, 60!!! I had 660 gold (400 of it from Allicat, a great friend) so I flew off to Shattrath and ported to Org. Lucky for us Hunters, the Wolf Vendor/Trainer, hunter trainer, and pet trainer are all in the same general area. (Woot! Wolf mounts for the WIN!) I ran to the wolf vendor and bought the wolf I had decided on long before a Swift Timber Wolf! I got so excited over it that I kind of forgot to train pet and hunter skills, and I was in Eastern Plaguelands (to get a Plagued Swine pet) grabbing the boar.
Then I was in Thrallmar with my hearthstone on its 1hour cooldown on. After a few kills with my boar, I remembered to train it Growl. (I forget to train that ALL of the time.) When I opened the tab, however, I noticed I still only had Growl rank 6, level 50. I needed Growl rank 7, 60! And my hearth was on cooldown. Fun >.<

Note: I named the boar Soul.
Well, it took an hour, but I got to Org again after my hearth went off CD and I trained for pet/hunter skills. Now I am officialy a 60 hunter!
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