This is a RP story. Just wanted to warn you.
Snow drifted slowly to the ground and clung to the hair of the young dwarf who was crouched down beside a fir tree. She was cloithed in an assortment of leathers, on her head she whore the skinned head of a bear. I rose and flitted past the tree and, running low and silent, over a long distence of snow-covered feild. I knew that the probubility of someone finding me out here was slim, but the thrill of the hunt kept my heart pounding hard and my body low to the ground. I skidded to a stop at the edge of a frozen lake. Snow that had frozen to the ice gave traction, but I knew better than to keep running over it. After a few deep breathes, I removed a small spy-glass from my belt and peered through. Scanning over the lake's frozen surface, I cought sight of a far-off glow. I fiddled with the knobs on the spy-glass to zoom in, keeping my gaze on the light.
The strong figure of my master apeared next to the light. I scowled at her elven trainers comfort out on the frozen terrain, settled on a fur with a campfire and a full supply of foods, but pushed it aside. I had other things to worry about. Slipping the spy-glass back into my belt, I glanced around more than once to make sure no wild beasts where watching me. Or, even worse, my masters pet panther. If Arda cought wind of me, she would return to her master and report my location. But no beasts where around. Taking a deep breath, I ran hard and low over the lakes frozen water. The island in the middle was my target.
An arrow landed infront of me. Sighing, I stood errect of looked towards the campfire, but saw no trainer. I looked the other way, and there he was. He was only a hundred feet away, although in the dull evening light he was hardly visable. He walked towards me and smiled slightly, a warm look that always made me a bit calmer.
"Almost made it this time, young one." he said casualy. I sighed again and pulled the arrow out of the ice and returned it to my master's waiting hand.
"I won't ask how you went across the lake the long way in ten minutes without making any noise or being at all visable." I said with just a hint of humer. my master smiled again.
"I have my ways." He whistled sharply and Arda, his panther, apeared suddenly at his side.
"Do you get it from her or does she get it from you?" I asked. My master appeared comfused. "Er, the silence and the speed, I mean."
"Oh, it's from both of us. We learn from each other, as do you and I." he said. I nodded. He started off back to his camp, where the fire's light still gleamed. I followed him, carefull not to bother Arda. I knew of her slightly irritable attitude all to well.
~ to be continued ~