I got Rassaa to fifty the other day. The day started as 47. I did a couple quests in Tanaris, getting to 47.5. I headed back to Gadgetzan, and put Sargeant in the Stable and took out.. Cat the lynx (40). Then I found a good, comfortable spot in the Gadgetzan Inn, and started LFG'ing ZF.
I found a group(wow!), with a Warr, Rogue, Pally & Priest. It started fine - we pulled, we killed, it worked fine, but then.. The Pally and the Rogue got in a fight. I hung to the side, hoping it would settle, but it didn't. THe preist let the Rogue die, and the ROgue left group. We had to go get another person, but nobody came. The Priest finaly just got on his 70 Hunter and gave the rest of us a run. It worked well, we where fine, I leveled to 49 and the Lynx got to level 44. When I turned in my quests, I was *almost* 50.
The next time I logged on, I found a group looking for someone with the Mallet of Zul'Farrak. Even though I had finished all of my quests, I wanted to level my lynx more.. I got into the group, a run with a Warr, Priest and a 67 Hunter. It went well, again, and I got into a guild! Socious Sempiterna, a dungeon-loving, happy guild. Aanyhow, I leveled to 50.5 and Lynx got to 47.
Don't ask me why, but the thought of Sprite Darter Mini-pets sprung into my mind. I looked it up. I found the questgiver, and easily did the 8-part chain. And I have... AN adorable Sprite Darter!!!
edit I named my Lynx, who is male, Tinder.
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