Yes, it has..
I had a weird reminiscing moment today. I was chatting with Preeti on Facebook, and Geethika brought up Pebbles, and that made me think about the PEBBLES! running joke, and then the Lobster Claw joke...
*Activates seriousness*
It's funny. When something leaves, you don't think about it much. You just move on. Things fade away.
Then something is said, or thought, or done. Someone says PEBBLES! or LOBSTER CLAW! and there I go, thinking about watching Pirates of the Caribbean and yelling at the bloody idiot characters. Making jewelry and trying to figure out what they where called, reading the name "Lobster Claw" and cracking up, even seeing the part that said "Latch" after the "Lobster Claw". That lead to something like this;
"Lobster Claw?"
"Lobster Claw?"
"Lobster Claw!"
"Loobster Claaw!"
And every once in a while in school,
"Hey, hey Preeti!"
And then me prattling on and on about WoW things that nobody understood, and mentioning Pebbles the crab, and then, after a while,
*squeaky high voice* "PEBBLES!"
*Squeaky higher voice* "PEBBLES!!!"
And so on..
You know, we don't do that much anymore.
*Seriousness off*
GEETHIKA. Get the freak back here.
Or else I'm going to LOBSTER CLAW your face.
We can't do the PEBBLES triangle without you!
Note - New WoW patch came out. And I can't hear chat.
You know how irritating that is?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Guess what.

Yes, I am still alive.
Just don't have that much to talk about in my life. :-P
Lets see..
I could talk about how Echo barfed in the car again. Or the enormous.. yeah...
I could talk about videogames.
I like that idea.
So, lets start. First off- Left4Dead 2.
Looks epically awesome! I -love- Left4Dead. More zombies, more guns, chainsaws, new creepy zombies, new high-tension areas...
I hope it has a storyline this time. Last time was kind of disappointing in that way, but then again, you can't pay attention to storyline when you have a mob of zombies on your heals.
Then there is Assassin's Creed 2.
This is what I've taken from the trailer/commercials..
Same game (a few cooler ways to kill people), with a total cliche of a character. Long dark hair in a ponytail, obviously handsome, driven by rage/revenge... Really? You can do better then that. Altiar was a freaking awesome badarse. This guy looks like your typical comic character.
Plus, it looks like they tried to turn your character into a superhero.
Also.. Killing guards with a sledgehammer? Oh, that's exactly what assassins who don't want to be noticed do.
Also also, the trailer? Almost exactly the same as the first games. :-/
And you had a -love interest- at one point? YOU'RE AN ASSASSIN. I know I'm probably being stereotypical, but really!
So, yeah. Any thoughts?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Random thoughts start.... now.
First off...
I'm a writer. I love writing. I write stories for fun! I have a billion story ideas, most of which I write 2-15 pages of and then stop for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I drive my characters into a ditch that they can't get out of, sometimes I decide the whole idea was stupid, sometimes I suddenly hate the main character, sometimes I just lose the notebook that I was writing in! I still have a bunch of ideas I want to expand on...
There's Makers, one of my old ideas. I've explained it before - there's a "race" of godlike people(Called Makers) that live above every life-bearing planet, deciding what will happen and making it happen. They use a power source called Sols, little floating transparent orbs that look like glowing marbles, to use magic. This magic can let them create paths to walk on, create light, or add to/change their bodies. The humans, or the "Made", are mostly oblivious of the Makers. However, a somewhat small group of them called the Rebels are, well, rebelling against the Makers, saying that they don't have the right to decide what happens.
There's also After Death, I Follow. It's a story about two young women that die, and are made into Death and the Receptionist. They go about reaping souls and getting into fights with Angels. The problem with this story is that I don't have a goal, really... But I really like the idea. I think I wrote 16 pages of this story before losing the notebook...
There's the Half-animal story. It centers around several half-animal people, who are on a journey to save their kind from human aggression. I really like the characters in this story, and I really should continue it... I even like the story line. *Bangs head for not writing more of it* I even know where the notebook is... And it's got to be near 20 pages long.
Then there's the story I'm writing right now, centered around two trolls and a wolf who are trying to make The Eye - the sun, basically - stop roasting the world. It gets more deep, with a mystery and fights... The world is really cool, too. It's made up of four orbs, each of which hold a world - the first is the Jungle, colonized by the trolls, blue-furred humanoid people. Then there's the Plains, colonized by the humans. Third is the Snow Forest, colonized by living snowstorms (that can take on a humanoid shape) called Flurries. The last world is the Sea, colonized by a mysterious race called the Hookjaws. They are sea-serpent like creatures that, as the title hints, have long, hard, hook-shaped horns on their lower jaws. Each orb is linked by a bunch of smaller ones, forming a square. In the center of the square is a giant floating eye which turns on it's axis, letting out heat and light and acting as the sun. Every once in a while it blinks, making everything go dark for a few seconds. Every year it closes and the eye sleeps, causing winter. The story line is, two trolls Son'ya and Raz'an see the eye turn blood red, and it closes for a few days. When it opens again, it's blood red, and it lets out so much heat that it starts to roast the world. They, and their friend Tracker Who's Paws Find Life (a black wolf) have to find out why this happened, and put a stop to it, before the world is roasted.
Oh, and the other races have a bit of a grudge against the trolls now, for reasons unknown...
Obviously, by description length alone, I want to work on this latest story. But the problem is...
My friend can work on a story for years and never really get tired of it, or so it seems. I get tired of my stories in about a month. But, I really really want to publish a story, or -at least- finish one. Unfortunately for me, when I get bored of one story, I just can't continue it. It doesn't work!
How am I going to be a successful author if I can't finish one little story?
I guess I'll find out later. I'm not old enough to be thinking about that, I guess. After all, I'm a beginner author. A noob, you could say.
That was a lot more writing then I thought it was.
First off...
I'm a writer. I love writing. I write stories for fun! I have a billion story ideas, most of which I write 2-15 pages of and then stop for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I drive my characters into a ditch that they can't get out of, sometimes I decide the whole idea was stupid, sometimes I suddenly hate the main character, sometimes I just lose the notebook that I was writing in! I still have a bunch of ideas I want to expand on...
There's Makers, one of my old ideas. I've explained it before - there's a "race" of godlike people(Called Makers) that live above every life-bearing planet, deciding what will happen and making it happen. They use a power source called Sols, little floating transparent orbs that look like glowing marbles, to use magic. This magic can let them create paths to walk on, create light, or add to/change their bodies. The humans, or the "Made", are mostly oblivious of the Makers. However, a somewhat small group of them called the Rebels are, well, rebelling against the Makers, saying that they don't have the right to decide what happens.
There's also After Death, I Follow. It's a story about two young women that die, and are made into Death and the Receptionist. They go about reaping souls and getting into fights with Angels. The problem with this story is that I don't have a goal, really... But I really like the idea. I think I wrote 16 pages of this story before losing the notebook...
There's the Half-animal story. It centers around several half-animal people, who are on a journey to save their kind from human aggression. I really like the characters in this story, and I really should continue it... I even like the story line. *Bangs head for not writing more of it* I even know where the notebook is... And it's got to be near 20 pages long.
Then there's the story I'm writing right now, centered around two trolls and a wolf who are trying to make The Eye - the sun, basically - stop roasting the world. It gets more deep, with a mystery and fights... The world is really cool, too. It's made up of four orbs, each of which hold a world - the first is the Jungle, colonized by the trolls, blue-furred humanoid people. Then there's the Plains, colonized by the humans. Third is the Snow Forest, colonized by living snowstorms (that can take on a humanoid shape) called Flurries. The last world is the Sea, colonized by a mysterious race called the Hookjaws. They are sea-serpent like creatures that, as the title hints, have long, hard, hook-shaped horns on their lower jaws. Each orb is linked by a bunch of smaller ones, forming a square. In the center of the square is a giant floating eye which turns on it's axis, letting out heat and light and acting as the sun. Every once in a while it blinks, making everything go dark for a few seconds. Every year it closes and the eye sleeps, causing winter. The story line is, two trolls Son'ya and Raz'an see the eye turn blood red, and it closes for a few days. When it opens again, it's blood red, and it lets out so much heat that it starts to roast the world. They, and their friend Tracker Who's Paws Find Life (a black wolf) have to find out why this happened, and put a stop to it, before the world is roasted.
Oh, and the other races have a bit of a grudge against the trolls now, for reasons unknown...
Obviously, by description length alone, I want to work on this latest story. But the problem is...
My friend can work on a story for years and never really get tired of it, or so it seems. I get tired of my stories in about a month. But, I really really want to publish a story, or -at least- finish one. Unfortunately for me, when I get bored of one story, I just can't continue it. It doesn't work!
How am I going to be a successful author if I can't finish one little story?
I guess I'll find out later. I'm not old enough to be thinking about that, I guess. After all, I'm a beginner author. A noob, you could say.
That was a lot more writing then I thought it was.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Puppies are SO CUTE!
Echo is SO CUTER!
We brought Echo home today. He whined a bit in the car, but all is forgiven. After all, he was leaving his puppy brothers and sisters for the first time. He sat on my lap most of the time, looking out the window, snoozing, panting. When he looked out the window, people in passing cars would smile and AWwww at him.
When we got home, I played with him in the kitchen for about 30 minutes, until he collapsed behind mom (she was leaning up against the counter, making a sort of cave behind her back) and quickly fell asleep.
I will post many pictures tomorrow!
Echo is SO CUTER!
We brought Echo home today. He whined a bit in the car, but all is forgiven. After all, he was leaving his puppy brothers and sisters for the first time. He sat on my lap most of the time, looking out the window, snoozing, panting. When he looked out the window, people in passing cars would smile and AWwww at him.
When we got home, I played with him in the kitchen for about 30 minutes, until he collapsed behind mom (she was leaning up against the counter, making a sort of cave behind her back) and quickly fell asleep.
I will post many pictures tomorrow!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
My Birthday is... Today!
My birthday is today. I remember only a few years ago waking up and running around screaming because I would get mounds of presents.
I'm looking forward to the cake. And I get to open a couple presents. It's a lot simpler then it used to be. Calmer. I like it.
Next time we go up north I'm going to have Birthday v.2. Just like we have (had) Christmas and Christmas v.2. And if we where lucky, Christmas v.3.
So wish me happy birthday or.... I will curse you with the Summoning Dark!
(The Summoning Dark is in the Terry Pratchett book Thud!. Read it, it's awesome. AND NO I'M NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT!)
I'm looking forward to the cake. And I get to open a couple presents. It's a lot simpler then it used to be. Calmer. I like it.
Next time we go up north I'm going to have Birthday v.2. Just like we have (had) Christmas and Christmas v.2. And if we where lucky, Christmas v.3.
So wish me happy birthday or.... I will curse you with the Summoning Dark!
(The Summoning Dark is in the Terry Pratchett book Thud!. Read it, it's awesome. AND NO I'M NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT!)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We are going to choose a puppy tomorrow morning.
I'll post more later.
The next day:
O. M. G.
Puppies, more specifically Golden Retriever puppies, are the cutest things in... ever.
We chose a puppy today. He's a darker furred pup with a very calm, relaxed attitude. And he is -cute-.
When mom was holding him, she started to cry. I think I know why -- the puppy resembles all that is Jamie, along with all that is the new puppy. And it is named Echo, as I have said. I dunno, the combination of moving on and remembering Jamie is tough.
Anyway.. I was going to write more, but I can't find the words.. I'll post pictures of little Echo soon.
We are bringing him home on August 27.
I'll post more later.
The next day:
O. M. G.
Puppies, more specifically Golden Retriever puppies, are the cutest things in... ever.
We chose a puppy today. He's a darker furred pup with a very calm, relaxed attitude. And he is -cute-.
When mom was holding him, she started to cry. I think I know why -- the puppy resembles all that is Jamie, along with all that is the new puppy. And it is named Echo, as I have said. I dunno, the combination of moving on and remembering Jamie is tough.
Anyway.. I was going to write more, but I can't find the words.. I'll post pictures of little Echo soon.
We are bringing him home on August 27.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Update - DIA
I went to the Detroit Institute of Art today, David and his family invited me along. I've been to what, one museum in my life? Two? Not that many. So of course I loved it. There where a ton of cool, awesome Oil Paintings, from Picasso to William-Adolphe Bouguereau, who painted The Nut Gatherers. I can't say much about the place, except that it's really really cool. And they have good food. Nomnom.
So, an overview of the day;
On the drive to the DIA, me and David nom'd on some Cereal Bars and chattered about Music. He tried to get that song, We Rock, stuck in my head, but I avoided it by getting One Tin Soldier stuck in my head, instead.
When we got there, we wandered around Ooo'ing and Aahhhh'ing at sculptures and paintings. Oh, and I learned David can Pick-pocket me. With ease. I had a pencil in my front pocket and he picked my pocket for it a bunch of times, then put it back. Without me noticing. Seriously! He's good.
We had food from the cafeteria there. Not amazing food, but good food. And the desserts where awesome. Lemon Bars, Brownies, nomnomnomnom.
On the way back home, we stopped and got some Ice Cream from McDonalds. I looove Ice Cream. NomNomNom. While we ate, David took his Laptop out of his backpack (I need a laptop..) and we started typing up a story. Oh, and he tried to get Everybody Makes Mistakes and some other annoying song stuck in my head, but I got Light the Candles stuck in my head instead. Hah...
In September, some time, I might go with David and his family to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. That would be so epicly awesome! I've never been to an Aquarium!
Thats all.
So, an overview of the day;
On the drive to the DIA, me and David nom'd on some Cereal Bars and chattered about Music. He tried to get that song, We Rock, stuck in my head, but I avoided it by getting One Tin Soldier stuck in my head, instead.
When we got there, we wandered around Ooo'ing and Aahhhh'ing at sculptures and paintings. Oh, and I learned David can Pick-pocket me. With ease. I had a pencil in my front pocket and he picked my pocket for it a bunch of times, then put it back. Without me noticing. Seriously! He's good.
We had food from the cafeteria there. Not amazing food, but good food. And the desserts where awesome. Lemon Bars, Brownies, nomnomnomnom.
On the way back home, we stopped and got some Ice Cream from McDonalds. I looove Ice Cream. NomNomNom. While we ate, David took his Laptop out of his backpack (I need a laptop..) and we started typing up a story. Oh, and he tried to get Everybody Makes Mistakes and some other annoying song stuck in my head, but I got Light the Candles stuck in my head instead. Hah...
In September, some time, I might go with David and his family to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. That would be so epicly awesome! I've never been to an Aquarium!
Thats all.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
More of that story. Part one of chapter one.
"Did you kill the human scum?" Sungore asked, rapping his claws on the arm of his throne. His bright blondish gold glittered in the dull light of the Lord's Chamber. It wasn't a large building, only big enough for his throne, bed and table. Still, it was grander then any other building on Felinious land, it had walls without gaps and a roof made of wood, not grass.
"Yes sir, I mean, my lord!" My friend, Moonblood, stammered. I decided to help her out, being near her father always freaked her out.
"Yes, my lord, the humans won't be getting any information from those spies." I said with a measured amount of respect. Sungore twitched his whiskers contemptuously, his golden tail swishing with ever-present irritation.
"Good. Your next assignment is to go away. Go study or whatever you idiot students do. Lupo, whatever your name is, you can stay in the tribe. For now." Lord sungore growled. I nodded, then glanced at Moonblood meaningfully. We left the building.
It was dawn outside, the rising sun staining the dry, grassless ground red, like the blood of the sky spilled upon the ground. The clans land wasn't large, just a chunk of wastelands that the humans had rejected. Still, it worked as our home. A few Felinious -- the half cat residents of the Tribe -- where jumping out of the trees they slept in, talking to friends and organizing hunts. A mother Felinious with stunning white fur was herding two kits towards a tree, where they sat. All in all, it would have been a wonderful sight is all of the people weren't terribly skinny, so much that they seemed living skeletons with fur. The kits began crying, begging for food.
"Come on," I muttered to Moonblood, who was inspecting her claws. "Lets go to the Library and study. I want to learn why the humans are so savage." Moonblood nodded her white and black spotted head and we set off towards the library, weaving around starving elders with not enough strength to get up.
The library was the smallest of the buildings in our land, with just enough room for two shelves of old, yellow books and a bench. As soon as I entered, I heard a loud hiss and a black cat threw itself at me from where it had been sitting on top of a stack of books. Taken by surprise, I growled and swatted at it. The cat landed its back paws on my hand and pushed off, doing a flip before landing back on the books and arching its back.
"Hey Blueleaf." said Moonblood calmly. The cat seemed to relax when it saw her, jumping on to her furry shoulders and purring.
"Hi Moonblood." the cat said. I tried to stop from gaping, I really did. The cat looked at me and twitched its whiskers in amusement.
"Yes, I am an Origin Felinious. My name is Blueleaf. Nice to meet you, Lupis of the Canious tribe." she said. Idiot, I told myself, you know Origins can read minds! Of course she knows your name.
"So, what are you looking for today?" she asked, jumping gracefully back to her stack of books. Still shocked by seeing an Origin, I stammered my response.
"A history on, on humans." Blueleaf looked up at me, her tail strait up like an exclamation point.
"Ooo!" she exclaimed, jumping off the books and, when she landed, trotting towards one of the shelves of books.
"This shelf is all human history. Wars, diseases, famines, discoveries, all of that. Now, for you I would suggest..." Blueleaf stood up on her hind legs, putting her front paws on an old, thick book titled, "The Road to Glory, Humans and Why they Succeeded."
"Why they succeeded! I know that already, they just kill everything that gets in their way. I want to know what will make them fail!" I growled. Blueleaf dropped down to all fours and gave me a calculating look.
"Ah, but those are one and the same, are they not?" she asked. I opened my jaws to say something, then gave it up. It was no use, arguing with an Origin. They where always one step ahead. I leaned down and picked up the book, flipping it open to a random page.
"Many philosophers think that the human race is going to grow so advanced that eventually they will colonize other planets." I read aloud. Moonblood, who had been silent for a while, looked at me sideways and said, "Uh?". Shrugging my black furred shoulders, I sighed and replied, "I don't know what it means either. Oh well, thanks Blueleaf." The Origin, who had jumped back on to her stack of books, waved her tail in farewell as Moonblood and I left the building, wondering what to do next.
"We could go hunting." suggested Moonblood. I shook my head, replying, "No, the humans no doubt realized that their scouts are dead and now have probably sent more troops. It's too risky to go out now." At first I was confused by the shocked, horrified expression on Moonblood's cat-like face. Then I realized what I was saying, and smacked myself in the muzzle.
"Correction," I announced, "That sounds like a great idea! Lets go hunting."
Do ya like it? It gets more exiting. This is just the beginning.
"Yes sir, I mean, my lord!" My friend, Moonblood, stammered. I decided to help her out, being near her father always freaked her out.
"Yes, my lord, the humans won't be getting any information from those spies." I said with a measured amount of respect. Sungore twitched his whiskers contemptuously, his golden tail swishing with ever-present irritation.
"Good. Your next assignment is to go away. Go study or whatever you idiot students do. Lupo, whatever your name is, you can stay in the tribe. For now." Lord sungore growled. I nodded, then glanced at Moonblood meaningfully. We left the building.
It was dawn outside, the rising sun staining the dry, grassless ground red, like the blood of the sky spilled upon the ground. The clans land wasn't large, just a chunk of wastelands that the humans had rejected. Still, it worked as our home. A few Felinious -- the half cat residents of the Tribe -- where jumping out of the trees they slept in, talking to friends and organizing hunts. A mother Felinious with stunning white fur was herding two kits towards a tree, where they sat. All in all, it would have been a wonderful sight is all of the people weren't terribly skinny, so much that they seemed living skeletons with fur. The kits began crying, begging for food.
"Come on," I muttered to Moonblood, who was inspecting her claws. "Lets go to the Library and study. I want to learn why the humans are so savage." Moonblood nodded her white and black spotted head and we set off towards the library, weaving around starving elders with not enough strength to get up.
The library was the smallest of the buildings in our land, with just enough room for two shelves of old, yellow books and a bench. As soon as I entered, I heard a loud hiss and a black cat threw itself at me from where it had been sitting on top of a stack of books. Taken by surprise, I growled and swatted at it. The cat landed its back paws on my hand and pushed off, doing a flip before landing back on the books and arching its back.
"Hey Blueleaf." said Moonblood calmly. The cat seemed to relax when it saw her, jumping on to her furry shoulders and purring.
"Hi Moonblood." the cat said. I tried to stop from gaping, I really did. The cat looked at me and twitched its whiskers in amusement.
"Yes, I am an Origin Felinious. My name is Blueleaf. Nice to meet you, Lupis of the Canious tribe." she said. Idiot, I told myself, you know Origins can read minds! Of course she knows your name.
"So, what are you looking for today?" she asked, jumping gracefully back to her stack of books. Still shocked by seeing an Origin, I stammered my response.
"A history on, on humans." Blueleaf looked up at me, her tail strait up like an exclamation point.
"Ooo!" she exclaimed, jumping off the books and, when she landed, trotting towards one of the shelves of books.
"This shelf is all human history. Wars, diseases, famines, discoveries, all of that. Now, for you I would suggest..." Blueleaf stood up on her hind legs, putting her front paws on an old, thick book titled, "The Road to Glory, Humans and Why they Succeeded."
"Why they succeeded! I know that already, they just kill everything that gets in their way. I want to know what will make them fail!" I growled. Blueleaf dropped down to all fours and gave me a calculating look.
"Ah, but those are one and the same, are they not?" she asked. I opened my jaws to say something, then gave it up. It was no use, arguing with an Origin. They where always one step ahead. I leaned down and picked up the book, flipping it open to a random page.
"Many philosophers think that the human race is going to grow so advanced that eventually they will colonize other planets." I read aloud. Moonblood, who had been silent for a while, looked at me sideways and said, "Uh?". Shrugging my black furred shoulders, I sighed and replied, "I don't know what it means either. Oh well, thanks Blueleaf." The Origin, who had jumped back on to her stack of books, waved her tail in farewell as Moonblood and I left the building, wondering what to do next.
"We could go hunting." suggested Moonblood. I shook my head, replying, "No, the humans no doubt realized that their scouts are dead and now have probably sent more troops. It's too risky to go out now." At first I was confused by the shocked, horrified expression on Moonblood's cat-like face. Then I realized what I was saying, and smacked myself in the muzzle.
"Correction," I announced, "That sounds like a great idea! Lets go hunting."
Do ya like it? It gets more exiting. This is just the beginning.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Story teaser
Part of another story. No title as of yet.
It was the dead of night. The ever-present chirping of crickets seemed louder, sharper then usual. The only light was the glow of a campfire, its glow seemingly choked by the thick darkness. Silhouetted in front of it where two human solders, one pacing nervously and the other seeming relaxed.
"They're going to find us... and kill us!" muttered the pacing human, shaking his head. The other let out a snort of contempt.
"Don't be a coward. Those half-beast savages aren't smart enough to notice us here." The pacing man turned to him, appearing shocked.
"Won't notice us!? We're in the middle of their territory, with a blazing fire to mark us for death! They might be savages but they can see a fire in the dead of night, that's for sure!"
"Stop being so superstitious! Anyway, even if they did see us, we could take down twenty of those ugly monsters each! Well, I could. You might be able to take two, if you're lucky." the other human said, sneering.
"What! I could take four times as many as you!" shouted the other. A torrent of curses rushed from them as they argued -- neither of them noticed the slightest movement behind them.
The bushes rattled. The crickets stopped chirping. The humans stopped arguing and looked around, confused.
"What's going -" the nervous man turned a quick 360, stopping suddenly when he faced the bushes. The other man looked at him like he was crazy.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, and then froze as well. Two sets of glittering eyes starred at them, seeming to mock them. In the light of the fire, the humans could see the glittering green and icy blue eyes clearly.
"Moonblo-" and the night exploded in to roars.
How'd you like it? Please comment!
On another note, I'm up at lake Huron 'till Friday. At the beach. It's beautiful up here! I will post pics to make you wish you where me.
I looked at the calender and realized, out of a stroke of luck, we are getting the puppy on August 22. That's my birthday. Yay!
Also x2!
In september we might go up to Macknac (sp?) island for a day or two. I always wanted to go up there!
It was the dead of night. The ever-present chirping of crickets seemed louder, sharper then usual. The only light was the glow of a campfire, its glow seemingly choked by the thick darkness. Silhouetted in front of it where two human solders, one pacing nervously and the other seeming relaxed.
"They're going to find us... and kill us!" muttered the pacing human, shaking his head. The other let out a snort of contempt.
"Don't be a coward. Those half-beast savages aren't smart enough to notice us here." The pacing man turned to him, appearing shocked.
"Won't notice us!? We're in the middle of their territory, with a blazing fire to mark us for death! They might be savages but they can see a fire in the dead of night, that's for sure!"
"Stop being so superstitious! Anyway, even if they did see us, we could take down twenty of those ugly monsters each! Well, I could. You might be able to take two, if you're lucky." the other human said, sneering.
"What! I could take four times as many as you!" shouted the other. A torrent of curses rushed from them as they argued -- neither of them noticed the slightest movement behind them.
The bushes rattled. The crickets stopped chirping. The humans stopped arguing and looked around, confused.
"What's going -" the nervous man turned a quick 360, stopping suddenly when he faced the bushes. The other man looked at him like he was crazy.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, and then froze as well. Two sets of glittering eyes starred at them, seeming to mock them. In the light of the fire, the humans could see the glittering green and icy blue eyes clearly.
"Moonblo-" and the night exploded in to roars.
How'd you like it? Please comment!
On another note, I'm up at lake Huron 'till Friday. At the beach. It's beautiful up here! I will post pics to make you wish you where me.
I looked at the calender and realized, out of a stroke of luck, we are getting the puppy on August 22. That's my birthday. Yay!
Also x2!
In september we might go up to Macknac (sp?) island for a day or two. I always wanted to go up there!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Well. I don't have anything to talk about, but I want to post on my blog. So... Activating Filter System!
*Filtering through: Past Few Days*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 0*
*Filtering through: Past Few Weeks*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 1!!!!!!*
*File Name: Going to the Breeder*
*Error: Copy Found*
*Filtering through: Future*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 2!!!!!!!!!!11111one*
*File Name(s): Birthday Coming! and Aion Coming Out Soon(ish)*
*Activating Files*
So, in a couple weeks, I will be 14. I know, right? I so totally... don't care! But oh well. On August 22, I will be 14.. Wish my good luck or I'll tear out your heart. I hope that we will go up north to my Grandparents house for my Birthday, it's always awesome.
A new game is coming out this September, Aion. A big part of it is that.. you have wings.. You can -fly-. I want wings! Apparently, you can only really fly in some places, and, at least at first, only for 60 seconds at a time. In no-fly zones, you can only glide for 60 seconds. Although it's not crappy gliding. It's actually pretty well done. And, along with flight, you can fight and you have mad skillz and all that.
Anyway, it sounds pretty interesting. I want to play it.
Something else not really interesting!
I spent all day playing Co-op Gears of War 2. That is a really fun game, I love the way you can saw someone apart with the chainsaw on your sword. With all the gore and stuff flying all over. /cackle. And I love cutting my way out of a giant, city-eating Worm with a chainsaw and flying out in a shower of blood, looking like I was painted red. And riding a huge monster, then saying to the Commander guy, "Hey, we stole a huge evil monster and we're riding it to --" and getting the answer "You WHAT?!" I mean really. What is there not to love?
Anyway. It's 3:00 AM and I should probably go to bed.
Ah, maybe later.
*Filtering through: Past Few Days*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 0*
*Filtering through: Past Few Weeks*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 1!!!!!!*
*File Name: Going to the Breeder*
*Error: Copy Found*
*Filtering through: Future*
*Even Mildly Interesting Files Found: 2!!!!!!!!!!11111one*
*File Name(s): Birthday Coming! and Aion Coming Out Soon(ish)*
*Activating Files*
So, in a couple weeks, I will be 14. I know, right? I so totally... don't care! But oh well. On August 22, I will be 14.. Wish my good luck or I'll tear out your heart. I hope that we will go up north to my Grandparents house for my Birthday, it's always awesome.
A new game is coming out this September, Aion. A big part of it is that.. you have wings.. You can -fly-. I want wings! Apparently, you can only really fly in some places, and, at least at first, only for 60 seconds at a time. In no-fly zones, you can only glide for 60 seconds. Although it's not crappy gliding. It's actually pretty well done. And, along with flight, you can fight and you have mad skillz and all that.
Anyway, it sounds pretty interesting. I want to play it.
Something else not really interesting!
I spent all day playing Co-op Gears of War 2. That is a really fun game, I love the way you can saw someone apart with the chainsaw on your sword. With all the gore and stuff flying all over. /cackle. And I love cutting my way out of a giant, city-eating Worm with a chainsaw and flying out in a shower of blood, looking like I was painted red. And riding a huge monster, then saying to the Commander guy, "Hey, we stole a huge evil monster and we're riding it to --" and getting the answer "You WHAT?!" I mean really. What is there not to love?
Anyway. It's 3:00 AM and I should probably go to bed.
Ah, maybe later.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Going to the Breeder
Today, we (meaning Me, dad, mom and jerkatronic - I mean brother!) went to see a Golden Retriever Breeder somewhere in Detroit. The car ride took forever, Jerkatronic was being a Jerkatronic, and I was bored. The High Way was making me nervous. The passing was making me twitchy. Because of my gender, I was (and am) increasingly annoyed and irritated. We turned off the free way and in to a small, quiet suburb, far too small for the ranch I was thinking we where going to. We stopped in front of a very small blue house, walking in with another family that was looking for a dog. At the door, we where greeted by a friendly man who welcomed us and pushed a few happy goldens (golden retrievers) out of the way so we could all come in. The room was quite large, taken up mostly by 7 Goldens and about 8 tiny puppies. I was astounded that -none- of the dogs barked or jumped at us, simply wagging their tails and rubbing their heads in to our hands. Very friendly, laid back dogs.
The breeder talked at us for a while, going over how she bred her dogs, what she looked for in her dogs, etc. Slightly boring, but good information. While she spoke, I contented myself by petting the dogs, who discovered quickly that if they wanted pets they should croud around me. At one point I was sitting on the floor with two old goldens, a mother golden, and the only male of the dogs, all trying to get pets at the same time. It was heaven. After she told us about the litter of puppies, she told us that they actually had two litters, one in a different room. We went in there and saw another litter of at least 9 pups. Where we in heaven? I think we where.
Anyway. Getting to the point of this so-far pointless post. After going over Puppy information, we (meaning Dad and Mom) decided that we where not going to take a chance and go to see other breeders. These dogs where amazing, they had no diseases in their bloodlines, and the puppies where still for sale. So. In two weeks, we are going to see which of the pups is best for us. Dad already decided that we needed another Male dog, and there are two males. And, two weeks after that, we are going to take home a dog.
On the way home, we brainstormed pet names. The Jerkatronic suggested Kirk, Scotty, and Arthas, all WoW and Star-Trek related names. We already have a cat named Spock, and the Jerkatronic -tried- to name Summer (other cat) 709 or whatever that girl in Star-trek is. Yes, I did hit him. Hard. Mom suggested Sam, Binky and Mort, all of which we turned down. I suggested Sky, Skypaw and Willow. Dad thought about it for a moment, first suggesting Fetch and then, after much thought, Echo. All of us liked Echo, just for the sound of it. Mom said that Echo was good because it was pretty. Dad liked the meaning of the word. Jerkatronic said it was fine and shut up, he was listening to the radio.
My reason for liking the name Echo? Simple. An echo is a sound that bounces back at you. A sound that regenerates. We just lost Jamie, and getting a puppy shows that we bounced back from something hard. Just like an Echo, we bounced back form losing our dog and we are getting another. Starting again.
Too poetic for you? I thought so.
The breeder talked at us for a while, going over how she bred her dogs, what she looked for in her dogs, etc. Slightly boring, but good information. While she spoke, I contented myself by petting the dogs, who discovered quickly that if they wanted pets they should croud around me. At one point I was sitting on the floor with two old goldens, a mother golden, and the only male of the dogs, all trying to get pets at the same time. It was heaven. After she told us about the litter of puppies, she told us that they actually had two litters, one in a different room. We went in there and saw another litter of at least 9 pups. Where we in heaven? I think we where.
Anyway. Getting to the point of this so-far pointless post. After going over Puppy information, we (meaning Dad and Mom) decided that we where not going to take a chance and go to see other breeders. These dogs where amazing, they had no diseases in their bloodlines, and the puppies where still for sale. So. In two weeks, we are going to see which of the pups is best for us. Dad already decided that we needed another Male dog, and there are two males. And, two weeks after that, we are going to take home a dog.
On the way home, we brainstormed pet names. The Jerkatronic suggested Kirk, Scotty, and Arthas, all WoW and Star-Trek related names. We already have a cat named Spock, and the Jerkatronic -tried- to name Summer (other cat) 709 or whatever that girl in Star-trek is. Yes, I did hit him. Hard. Mom suggested Sam, Binky and Mort, all of which we turned down. I suggested Sky, Skypaw and Willow. Dad thought about it for a moment, first suggesting Fetch and then, after much thought, Echo. All of us liked Echo, just for the sound of it. Mom said that Echo was good because it was pretty. Dad liked the meaning of the word. Jerkatronic said it was fine and shut up, he was listening to the radio.
My reason for liking the name Echo? Simple. An echo is a sound that bounces back at you. A sound that regenerates. We just lost Jamie, and getting a puppy shows that we bounced back from something hard. Just like an Echo, we bounced back form losing our dog and we are getting another. Starting again.
Too poetic for you? I thought so.

Friday, July 24, 2009
A book.
I just read/finished a book about ten minutes ago.
Buddha Boy, by Kathe Koja
It's not that long, only 117 pages. But it's not a fairy tale or anything. It's really good.
Not full of action or anything. But.. It's got a good moral to it.
Read it, ya?
~We're all gods inside~
Buddha Boy, by Kathe Koja
It's not that long, only 117 pages. But it's not a fairy tale or anything. It's really good.
Not full of action or anything. But.. It's got a good moral to it.
Read it, ya?
~We're all gods inside~
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Part of random story.
“I think we, uh, died.”
That was my welcome to death. I don’t know what, or who, killed us, but now we where dead and we weren’t going back. I looked over to my best friend, Ayla or “Luna”, and gave her the “what now?” look. She around at the endless darkness, finally saying, “Well. We’re not in Heaven, thats for sure. But I thought Hell was all fiery and red, not just... black.” I was about to agree when a deep voice penetrated the darkness.
“You’re not in Heaven, or in Hell, New Ones. You are in the Realm of Judgement.” If it hadn’t been so freaking scary I would have laughed at the name. Realm of Judgement? Really?
“Make fun of the name and die. Again.” Ok. So the guy with the weird voice could read minds. That was just great. “You are here because you have been chosen. You will not be cast in to the pits of Hell like the other sinners. You two New Ones will take on jobs of great importance, treading in-between Heaven and Hell.” The voice continued.
“Great,” I muttered to Luna. “Back to Earth for us.”
“Actually, for once you are right, New One. Your new roles will take you back to your old world, Earth. But before I tell you your new roles, I will ask you both -- would you give up your relatively peaceful new lives to take these roles?” I looked at Luna, who looked up at me. I could tell she was just as torn up as I -- it sounded like a good deal, to get a little action in death. Of course, we could get the roles of Skeletal Horse Manure Collector or something crappy (Seriously, no pun intended) like that.
“You might want to take in to account that if you decline, you will have your souls torn to shards and cast in to a pit of flaming tar.” Ok! That decided things. “Good,” purred the voice. “Then I will send you both to training. At the end of your training, you will be sent in to the field.” And with that, the darkness began to change to red stone and fire.
“Wait! Tell us what our jobs are at least!” Shouted Luna in rage. I sighed.
“Forget it, Luna. He, she, it’s not going to listen to us.” Looking around, I examined our surroundings. The ground was dark, hard red stone and sand. It stretched in to the distance, without any hills or mountains. The horizon was made up of plumes of fire, with red smoke making up the sky. Very red. Still, looking at it all, I realized it didn’t really scare me. At all. It didn’t scare Luna, either. She snorted a half laugh, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hey look, Lupis. The fire is 2-D.” She noted, pointing at a plume of very flat fire.
I was thinking worse and worse of whoever ruled this world, and I was going to voice my opinion, but was cut off. Again. This time it was a burst of raging fire in front of us, which died down to reveal two bat-winged Demons. They looked like humans, but with glowing red eyes, wings, and grey skin. Very typical. One of them approached me, and one approached Luna. As one they nodded to us, then spoke in unison.
“You are going to be taken to training. Come with us.”
My response?
“Hold on just a minute! Are our training in different areas? Will we train together or apart?” The demons didn’t seem to know how to answer that for a moment.
“If you insist, you will train side by side at first.”
“Last question. What are our jobs?” I asked. The demons exchanged a reluctant glance, then answered.
“You, little New One,” the demon in front of me said, “Will be the Receptionist. You will decide what soul will go to Heaven and what soul will go to Hell.” The other demon looked at Luna.
“You, little New one...” he paused for a moment. “You will be Death.”
“I think we, uh, died.”
That was my welcome to death. I don’t know what, or who, killed us, but now we where dead and we weren’t going back. I looked over to my best friend, Ayla or “Luna”, and gave her the “what now?” look. She around at the endless darkness, finally saying, “Well. We’re not in Heaven, thats for sure. But I thought Hell was all fiery and red, not just... black.” I was about to agree when a deep voice penetrated the darkness.
“You’re not in Heaven, or in Hell, New Ones. You are in the Realm of Judgement.” If it hadn’t been so freaking scary I would have laughed at the name. Realm of Judgement? Really?
“Make fun of the name and die. Again.” Ok. So the guy with the weird voice could read minds. That was just great. “You are here because you have been chosen. You will not be cast in to the pits of Hell like the other sinners. You two New Ones will take on jobs of great importance, treading in-between Heaven and Hell.” The voice continued.
“Great,” I muttered to Luna. “Back to Earth for us.”
“Actually, for once you are right, New One. Your new roles will take you back to your old world, Earth. But before I tell you your new roles, I will ask you both -- would you give up your relatively peaceful new lives to take these roles?” I looked at Luna, who looked up at me. I could tell she was just as torn up as I -- it sounded like a good deal, to get a little action in death. Of course, we could get the roles of Skeletal Horse Manure Collector or something crappy (Seriously, no pun intended) like that.
“You might want to take in to account that if you decline, you will have your souls torn to shards and cast in to a pit of flaming tar.” Ok! That decided things. “Good,” purred the voice. “Then I will send you both to training. At the end of your training, you will be sent in to the field.” And with that, the darkness began to change to red stone and fire.
“Wait! Tell us what our jobs are at least!” Shouted Luna in rage. I sighed.
“Forget it, Luna. He, she, it’s not going to listen to us.” Looking around, I examined our surroundings. The ground was dark, hard red stone and sand. It stretched in to the distance, without any hills or mountains. The horizon was made up of plumes of fire, with red smoke making up the sky. Very red. Still, looking at it all, I realized it didn’t really scare me. At all. It didn’t scare Luna, either. She snorted a half laugh, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hey look, Lupis. The fire is 2-D.” She noted, pointing at a plume of very flat fire.
I was thinking worse and worse of whoever ruled this world, and I was going to voice my opinion, but was cut off. Again. This time it was a burst of raging fire in front of us, which died down to reveal two bat-winged Demons. They looked like humans, but with glowing red eyes, wings, and grey skin. Very typical. One of them approached me, and one approached Luna. As one they nodded to us, then spoke in unison.
“You are going to be taken to training. Come with us.”
My response?
“Hold on just a minute! Are our training in different areas? Will we train together or apart?” The demons didn’t seem to know how to answer that for a moment.
“If you insist, you will train side by side at first.”
“Last question. What are our jobs?” I asked. The demons exchanged a reluctant glance, then answered.
“You, little New One,” the demon in front of me said, “Will be the Receptionist. You will decide what soul will go to Heaven and what soul will go to Hell.” The other demon looked at Luna.
“You, little New one...” he paused for a moment. “You will be Death.”
Monday, July 13, 2009
Well! That was interesting.
I was looking at my mom's Flickr pictures and stumbled across the pictures of the Leopard Moths we have found.
I love moths. Butterflies are boring and usually ugly, but moths... Perfection. So when I saw the Leopard Moth for the first time, I was astounded by its beauty.

Besides the Leopard Moth, I have seen one other kind of exotic moth, I cannot name or find a picture of it though. We raised them from caterpillars, I remember. If I recall correctly they where/are huge moths with rich brown coloration. Lovely! (Edit: The moths we raised where Cecropia Moths. Look them up, very pretty, and they have the strangest caterpillars! Like little circus animals!)
Well, today I add another rare, beautiful moth to the list. The Luna Moth.

I've never seen a living Luna Moth in my life. I didn't even know they lived here. How gorgeous is it? I love the green wings, the brown, the yellow.. And it was big, not huge, but it had a 3-inch wingspan I hazard to guess. I first saw it when going over to tell mom about her Flickr photos, and then looking at the window.. "LUNA MOTH! LUNA MOTH!" We all freaked and went outside to marvel at it and take a few pictures.
Life is full of hidden beauty.
PS. To counter that last part, as we watched the Luna Moth, I heard something rustling the leaves by my feet. I look down and see a huge Garder Snake chowing down on a equally huge toad. It was... interesting. Not exactly a hidden beauty. And adding on to that, I think I saw that toad yesterday, while working outside. Good thing I didn't get too attached to it.
I was looking at my mom's Flickr pictures and stumbled across the pictures of the Leopard Moths we have found.
I love moths. Butterflies are boring and usually ugly, but moths... Perfection. So when I saw the Leopard Moth for the first time, I was astounded by its beauty.

Besides the Leopard Moth, I have seen one other kind of exotic moth, I cannot name or find a picture of it though. We raised them from caterpillars, I remember. If I recall correctly they where/are huge moths with rich brown coloration. Lovely! (Edit: The moths we raised where Cecropia Moths. Look them up, very pretty, and they have the strangest caterpillars! Like little circus animals!)
Well, today I add another rare, beautiful moth to the list. The Luna Moth.

I've never seen a living Luna Moth in my life. I didn't even know they lived here. How gorgeous is it? I love the green wings, the brown, the yellow.. And it was big, not huge, but it had a 3-inch wingspan I hazard to guess. I first saw it when going over to tell mom about her Flickr photos, and then looking at the window.. "LUNA MOTH! LUNA MOTH!" We all freaked and went outside to marvel at it and take a few pictures.
Life is full of hidden beauty.
PS. To counter that last part, as we watched the Luna Moth, I heard something rustling the leaves by my feet. I look down and see a huge Garder Snake chowing down on a equally huge toad. It was... interesting. Not exactly a hidden beauty. And adding on to that, I think I saw that toad yesterday, while working outside. Good thing I didn't get too attached to it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fate is a very strange thing.

WoW post. Ignore if you want.
Lots of things in this post. I'll start with one of the most exciting things -- Tamable Worgen. Really, really awesome. I got one on both Rassaa, my Dwarf Huntress, and Bluefur, my Tauren Hunter. That picture above shows Bluefur and his new pet. Rassaa also has it, named Rhogar. The -best- pet in the game, and totally not supposed to be tamable. I love it. Strutting around in one of the cities, I got about twelve whispers about my Worgen pet. Alright, I'm a show off. But at least I was nice, actually two of the people wanted to invite me in to their guilds because, and I quote, "You're so leet." Bow before me.
Another thing. I've been playing Rassaa a lot, got her from level 75 to 76, nearly 77. Moved in to Sholizar Basin, I love the place. Funny thing, I was always worrying that I would find Loque'nahak, the rare spawn I sort of want and sort of don't, and not be able to tame him because I had my epic Worgen pet out.. But he is a -really- rare spawn. Really, really rare.
Anyway. I was questing, incidentally right next to one of Loque's rez points, and I kept getting this weird feeling that he was there. But I knew he couldn't be, because I camped him for months and never found him. But what the heck. Just a peek, I could just peek around to make sure he wasn't there.

Fate is a very strange thing.
Really, it wasn't as easy as abandon pet, set trap, tame. See, I had my worgen out at the time, and I was NOT abandoning my worgen. So that meant I had to run back to town, take a 1-minute flight path that seemed to take -forever-, put away my worgen, run back while freaking out that someone had probably found and tamed him by now, and then finally tamed him. And I admit, he is pretty epic. ( epic is my new word for awesome. )
Huh. I wonder what horrible death I am going to die tomorrow, with all the good luck I am having today.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
How long has it been?
*darkness, silence*
"Alright, Jo, turn on the power!"
*Beep, beep, BUZZZ CZZZK*
*Flickering lights*
"Jo! What's happening in there?"
"I don't know, Hue! It just went crazy!"
"Well, try again! Turn on the backup lights, Al!"
*Bzzzz.. BAM!*
*Sparks, lights go wild, more sparks*
"It's exploding! Good gods, run!"
*SELF DESTRUCT IN 5...4...3...2...*
"JO! AL! RUN OUT! I'll try and turn it off!"
"Hue, get out!"
"Don't worry, I can.."
*Explosions, screaming, fire*
"We made it! Poor Hue.."
"No, look! Oh my gods, its.. its..."
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I guess my brain shut down or something. And now that it's summer vacation, it sort of died.
Oh well.
Anyway, took a really really long survey. Here are my "What Dungeons&Dragons character are you?" results!
I Am A: Neutral Good Human Druid/Ranger (1st/1st Level)
Ability Scores:
Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
Primary Class:
Druids gain power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. They hate the unnatural, including aberrations or undead, and destroy them where possible. Druids receive divine spells from nature, not the gods, and can gain an array of powers as they gain experience, including the ability to take the shapes of animals. The weapons and armor of a druid are restricted by their traditional oaths, not simply training. A druid's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast.
Secondary Class:
Rangers are skilled stalkers and hunters who make their home in the woods. Their martial skill is nearly the equal of the fighter, but they lack the latter's dedication to the craft of fighting. Instead, the ranger focuses his skills and training on a specific enemy a type of creature he bears a vengeful grudge against and hunts above all others. Rangers often accept the role of protector, aiding those who live in or travel through the woods. His skills allow him to move quietly and stick to the shadows, especially in natural settings, and he also has special knowledge of certain types of creatures. Finally, an experienced ranger has such a tie to nature that he can actually draw on natural power to cast divine spells, much as a druid does, and like a druid he is often accompanied by animal companions. A ranger's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.
Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)
And thats all I really have to say. We've been working on the veggie garden, a little. Not much. Almost not at all. Oh well.
Our dog, Jamie, was put down. :-(
We might get a new puppy! :-)
It will take a long time to find a breeder that has said puppy. :-(
That puppy will no doubt pee all over our rug. :-(
That puppy might not like our other dog. :-(
That puppy might not like our cats. :-(
We might NOT go on that vacation to the grand canyon that we where planning. :-( :-( :-(
Thats 8 :-( to 1 :-). Summer Vacation needs to step up a notch.
Oh well. It's not really as bad as I'm making it sound. hope everyone else's vacation is going well?
Bow before my somewhat awesome skillz.
"Alright, Jo, turn on the power!"
*Beep, beep, BUZZZ CZZZK*
*Flickering lights*
"Jo! What's happening in there?"
"I don't know, Hue! It just went crazy!"
"Well, try again! Turn on the backup lights, Al!"
*Bzzzz.. BAM!*
*Sparks, lights go wild, more sparks*
"It's exploding! Good gods, run!"
*SELF DESTRUCT IN 5...4...3...2...*
"JO! AL! RUN OUT! I'll try and turn it off!"
"Hue, get out!"
"Don't worry, I can.."
*Explosions, screaming, fire*
"We made it! Poor Hue.."
"No, look! Oh my gods, its.. its..."
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I guess my brain shut down or something. And now that it's summer vacation, it sort of died.
Oh well.
Anyway, took a really really long survey. Here are my "What Dungeons&Dragons character are you?" results!
I Am A: Neutral Good Human Druid/Ranger (1st/1st Level)
Ability Scores:
Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
Primary Class:
Druids gain power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. They hate the unnatural, including aberrations or undead, and destroy them where possible. Druids receive divine spells from nature, not the gods, and can gain an array of powers as they gain experience, including the ability to take the shapes of animals. The weapons and armor of a druid are restricted by their traditional oaths, not simply training. A druid's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast.
Secondary Class:
Rangers are skilled stalkers and hunters who make their home in the woods. Their martial skill is nearly the equal of the fighter, but they lack the latter's dedication to the craft of fighting. Instead, the ranger focuses his skills and training on a specific enemy a type of creature he bears a vengeful grudge against and hunts above all others. Rangers often accept the role of protector, aiding those who live in or travel through the woods. His skills allow him to move quietly and stick to the shadows, especially in natural settings, and he also has special knowledge of certain types of creatures. Finally, an experienced ranger has such a tie to nature that he can actually draw on natural power to cast divine spells, much as a druid does, and like a druid he is often accompanied by animal companions. A ranger's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.
Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)
And thats all I really have to say. We've been working on the veggie garden, a little. Not much. Almost not at all. Oh well.
Our dog, Jamie, was put down. :-(
We might get a new puppy! :-)
It will take a long time to find a breeder that has said puppy. :-(
That puppy will no doubt pee all over our rug. :-(
That puppy might not like our other dog. :-(
That puppy might not like our cats. :-(
We might NOT go on that vacation to the grand canyon that we where planning. :-( :-( :-(
Thats 8 :-( to 1 :-). Summer Vacation needs to step up a notch.
Oh well. It's not really as bad as I'm making it sound. hope everyone else's vacation is going well?
Bow before my somewhat awesome skillz.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Review - Left 4 Dead
First Thoughts: Oh great. Another modern-world game.
OH #^&*@ THATS A LOT OF ZOMBIES! *Random gunshots*
That weird crying lady zombie is scaring the death out of me..
OH #^&*@ THATS A NASTY ZOMBIE LADY! *-more- random gunshots*
Story line - Zombie invasion. Get away from the zombie invasion. Thats all. In other words, no story line, but it doesn't need one to be fun.
Gameplay - Amazing. The whole game is excellently made, so the gameplay doesn't get boring. I found myself scared to move forward sometimes, wondering where that crying lady zombie (the Witch) was. Tons of zombies seem to randomly swarm you, although you can often hear them coming as they roar like the furies. There are several "special" enemies that you can actually define by the sound they make, for instance a really annoying, creepy crying is the sound of a Witch, who will look harmless until she leaps to her feet and charges you, screaming her head off. Then she tears your chest to shreds. I dread the sound of a crying witch, the sound is strangely freaky. Another monster can be identified by it's hacking cough, made by the Smoker, who will hide on the roof of a building or behind a rock and shoot its mega-long, spiky tongue at you and drag you towards it, strangling you at the same time. There is also the Hunter, which makes a screaming noise. Hunters leap at you from where they hide and, akin to the witch, tear your chest to shreds. The hardest of all the zombies is the Tank, a giant muscle-man who charges you, punches you across the world, and takes forever to kill. And finally there is the Boomer, a uber-fat man who makes disgusting belchy, barfy noises and then, yeah, barfs all over you. The problem with that is, Boomer Barf not only attracts hordes of zombies, but also makes your screen all green and drippy so you cannot see what you are shooting.
Sound - Well done voiceovers, realistic gun noises, freaky zombie noises, subtly scary music. Everything is very well done.
Graphics - Great graphics, very realistic, although some affects such as the Smoker's Tongue and the Boomer's barf could have been done better. Still, hard to complain. I usually don't like games with really realistic graphics, but this is an exception.
Controls - Smooth and easy to use. It didn't take me long to figure out how to move around, jump, turn, switch weapons and everything else. The Controls aren't cumbersome and don't make things too complicated.
Entertainment - Very high, although I find myself unable to play for long periods of time. After a few levels, my nerves are shot. Also, it's best played with two players or more, solo is slightly less fun and it's not nearly as epic when you are simply saving a computer-controlled character.
Overall rating - 9. This game rocks.
OH #^&*@ THATS A LOT OF ZOMBIES! *Random gunshots*
That weird crying lady zombie is scaring the death out of me..
OH #^&*@ THATS A NASTY ZOMBIE LADY! *-more- random gunshots*
Story line - Zombie invasion. Get away from the zombie invasion. Thats all. In other words, no story line, but it doesn't need one to be fun.
Gameplay - Amazing. The whole game is excellently made, so the gameplay doesn't get boring. I found myself scared to move forward sometimes, wondering where that crying lady zombie (the Witch) was. Tons of zombies seem to randomly swarm you, although you can often hear them coming as they roar like the furies. There are several "special" enemies that you can actually define by the sound they make, for instance a really annoying, creepy crying is the sound of a Witch, who will look harmless until she leaps to her feet and charges you, screaming her head off. Then she tears your chest to shreds. I dread the sound of a crying witch, the sound is strangely freaky. Another monster can be identified by it's hacking cough, made by the Smoker, who will hide on the roof of a building or behind a rock and shoot its mega-long, spiky tongue at you and drag you towards it, strangling you at the same time. There is also the Hunter, which makes a screaming noise. Hunters leap at you from where they hide and, akin to the witch, tear your chest to shreds. The hardest of all the zombies is the Tank, a giant muscle-man who charges you, punches you across the world, and takes forever to kill. And finally there is the Boomer, a uber-fat man who makes disgusting belchy, barfy noises and then, yeah, barfs all over you. The problem with that is, Boomer Barf not only attracts hordes of zombies, but also makes your screen all green and drippy so you cannot see what you are shooting.
Sound - Well done voiceovers, realistic gun noises, freaky zombie noises, subtly scary music. Everything is very well done.
Graphics - Great graphics, very realistic, although some affects such as the Smoker's Tongue and the Boomer's barf could have been done better. Still, hard to complain. I usually don't like games with really realistic graphics, but this is an exception.
Controls - Smooth and easy to use. It didn't take me long to figure out how to move around, jump, turn, switch weapons and everything else. The Controls aren't cumbersome and don't make things too complicated.
Entertainment - Very high, although I find myself unable to play for long periods of time. After a few levels, my nerves are shot. Also, it's best played with two players or more, solo is slightly less fun and it's not nearly as epic when you are simply saving a computer-controlled character.
Overall rating - 9. This game rocks.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Nobody that reads my blog will understand this. Feel free to skip it.
As the title says, this is not as much for the pleasure of my readers as it is for my well being. Or at least my minds well being. I must type!!!!111one
First off, I have turned in to a geeky Roleplayer. I made a WoW character (Ok, I still play the game, but not as obsessively.) on a Role Playing realm, and after a interview that I didn't know was an interview, got invited to a Heavy RP guild, The Earthspear Tribe. Apparently they are famous for their Story Circle event, where a few guilds get together (and any random people that want to RP and listen to stories) and tell legends, stories of their history, etc. I joined the guild just in time to come to the Story Circle, and I loved it. In fact, I loved the interview too. They asked me about where my character, Luake, came from, and I basically winged it and thought up a quick story. Now that "quick story" is often referred to when we are talking, and I have expanded it in to a story. Perhaps some day I will tell a story at the Story Circle....
Secondly, I transfered one of my mains, Lightfur, to the RP realm. I plan to make him a "Blind Elder" sort of character, obviously he would be blind, and is old. (Duh!) Also, he has given up hating anything. Alliance, Centaur, other Tribes, Venture Co., he doesn't "hate" any of them. He is displeased with their actions, but he thinks that all living beings are children of the Earthmother and deserve to live. I plan to have him tell a story at the Story Circle about a Human and an Orc that saved each others lives, and in the end killed each other, the moral being that hating another being for what they are is... wrong. (Duh, again.)
-Wolfington the geekazoid.
First off, I have turned in to a geeky Roleplayer. I made a WoW character (Ok, I still play the game, but not as obsessively.) on a Role Playing realm, and after a interview that I didn't know was an interview, got invited to a Heavy RP guild, The Earthspear Tribe. Apparently they are famous for their Story Circle event, where a few guilds get together (and any random people that want to RP and listen to stories) and tell legends, stories of their history, etc. I joined the guild just in time to come to the Story Circle, and I loved it. In fact, I loved the interview too. They asked me about where my character, Luake, came from, and I basically winged it and thought up a quick story. Now that "quick story" is often referred to when we are talking, and I have expanded it in to a story. Perhaps some day I will tell a story at the Story Circle....
Secondly, I transfered one of my mains, Lightfur, to the RP realm. I plan to make him a "Blind Elder" sort of character, obviously he would be blind, and is old. (Duh!) Also, he has given up hating anything. Alliance, Centaur, other Tribes, Venture Co., he doesn't "hate" any of them. He is displeased with their actions, but he thinks that all living beings are children of the Earthmother and deserve to live. I plan to have him tell a story at the Story Circle about a Human and an Orc that saved each others lives, and in the end killed each other, the moral being that hating another being for what they are is... wrong. (Duh, again.)
-Wolfington the geekazoid.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Reveiw - Mysims Kingdom
First Thoughts - Hey, my character is kinda... cute.
This is kind of fun. I like.
Whoa, my "friend" is an idiot.
Storyline - Well, this deffinetely isn't Spiro. Hardly any story line. No villian, no big hero. Ah well, it's not a game that would be very well suited to a big story.
Gameplay - The only big problem I ran in to while playing this game didn't relate to the game at all. It related to my bro coming in the playroom every 5 minutes to sing "retarded!" before laughing at the game and leaving. He's such a loser. Obviously he thought the game sucked, but thats coming from a 16 year old guy with an obsession over bloody games like "The Darkness" and a host of others. I think the game is fun, and most of the characters have a few jokes to tell that are surprisingly witty.
Sound - Will these people shut up?! Seriously, they sound like a bunch of babies in a sandbox!
Graphics - you have to hand it to the creators of this game, they made ME like the cute graphics. ME! They could rule the world with this power!
Controls - perfectely fine. No problems at all.
Entertainment - It was very fun for the first half of the game. However, in the end, building endless houses got boring and I started throwing all sorts of useless crap in to houses, where at one point I was taking my time and making pretty, beautiful houses.
Overall Rating - 7 or 7.5 I would suggest it to anyone who really enjoys making tons of houses.
(man, was this long in coming? Sorry its so late!)
This is kind of fun. I like.
Whoa, my "friend" is an idiot.
Storyline - Well, this deffinetely isn't Spiro. Hardly any story line. No villian, no big hero. Ah well, it's not a game that would be very well suited to a big story.
Gameplay - The only big problem I ran in to while playing this game didn't relate to the game at all. It related to my bro coming in the playroom every 5 minutes to sing "retarded!" before laughing at the game and leaving. He's such a loser. Obviously he thought the game sucked, but thats coming from a 16 year old guy with an obsession over bloody games like "The Darkness" and a host of others. I think the game is fun, and most of the characters have a few jokes to tell that are surprisingly witty.
Sound - Will these people shut up?! Seriously, they sound like a bunch of babies in a sandbox!
Graphics - you have to hand it to the creators of this game, they made ME like the cute graphics. ME! They could rule the world with this power!
Controls - perfectely fine. No problems at all.
Entertainment - It was very fun for the first half of the game. However, in the end, building endless houses got boring and I started throwing all sorts of useless crap in to houses, where at one point I was taking my time and making pretty, beautiful houses.
Overall Rating - 7 or 7.5 I would suggest it to anyone who really enjoys making tons of houses.
(man, was this long in coming? Sorry its so late!)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A quick check up on me.
I hate essays.
I really, really do.
Oh well, at least they aren't 3-5 pages long. My mom had to do a 3-5 page long essay EVERY WEEKEND.
I'm glad I don't have my mom's teacher.
I've been playing random free online games. Found a fun one called Cabal Online. I think it's 95% good graphics and 5% game, though....
And, I will be posting a review of Mysims Kingdom soon. Before I forget everything about it at least :-P
I really, really do.
Oh well, at least they aren't 3-5 pages long. My mom had to do a 3-5 page long essay EVERY WEEKEND.
I'm glad I don't have my mom's teacher.
I've been playing random free online games. Found a fun one called Cabal Online. I think it's 95% good graphics and 5% game, though....
And, I will be posting a review of Mysims Kingdom soon. Before I forget everything about it at least :-P
Monday, February 16, 2009
Review - Okami
First thought - I'm a wolf? YAYYY!!!!
I'm a really COOL wolf!
Why am I not attacking? Attack, attack darn it! *Swings Wii remote around wildly*
Wow, the graphics are weird.
Story line - The story is deep and entertaining. Most of the main characters have surprising secrets. There are a few parts that stray from the story, but I can live with that. Over all story is much longer than you would initially think, I figured I could beat the game in 2 days, took me 3 and a few sleepless nights. (Not really sleepless unless you think going to bed at 1 A.M. is sleepless.)
Gameplay - All of the areas are big and full of things to collect or do. However, too many bosses and too long boss fights get annoying after a while, but not game-braking. (Brother yelling about how "The game messed up" when he was playing like an idiot? Game Braking.) There are many unique powers you get during your adventure that add a lot to the game. Making lily pads on the water to get across long canals, slicing rocks and enemies in half, making coulombs of water and even creating bombs can all be done with your special "Celestial Paintbrush".
Sound - Great music, realistic dog (wolf) noises, no voiceovers to mess up.
Graphics - You could either say the graphics where A. Bad, or B. cool. I think they are cool, made to be Japanese Painting styled. Most enemies are a bit... odd... (the flying igloo with animal legs and a lantern tail for example) but fun to kill. Everything has a charm to it that is hard to dislike.
Controls - ..........
Well, the controls could be better. I often find myself rendered unable to attack because the controller is not responding. Sometimes I have to try several times before I can make a simple slash. The camera is often at angles that just don't help at all. However, I don't see how the game could be made for any other controller. You NEED to have a Wii controller to do all of the brushstrokes. (Also, when you run with the nunchuk stick directly forward, you go run forward but over time turn slightly to the right.)
Entertainment - Very entertaining. Although surprisingly long, I never once got bored of the game. After my bro stops hogging the game, I will play it again.
Overall rating - 9. Very fun, great story line. Highly recommended for anyone who can live with control problems.
I'm a really COOL wolf!
Why am I not attacking? Attack, attack darn it! *Swings Wii remote around wildly*
Wow, the graphics are weird.
Story line - The story is deep and entertaining. Most of the main characters have surprising secrets. There are a few parts that stray from the story, but I can live with that. Over all story is much longer than you would initially think, I figured I could beat the game in 2 days, took me 3 and a few sleepless nights. (Not really sleepless unless you think going to bed at 1 A.M. is sleepless.)
Gameplay - All of the areas are big and full of things to collect or do. However, too many bosses and too long boss fights get annoying after a while, but not game-braking. (Brother yelling about how "The game messed up" when he was playing like an idiot? Game Braking.) There are many unique powers you get during your adventure that add a lot to the game. Making lily pads on the water to get across long canals, slicing rocks and enemies in half, making coulombs of water and even creating bombs can all be done with your special "Celestial Paintbrush".
Sound - Great music, realistic dog (wolf) noises, no voiceovers to mess up.
Graphics - You could either say the graphics where A. Bad, or B. cool. I think they are cool, made to be Japanese Painting styled. Most enemies are a bit... odd... (the flying igloo with animal legs and a lantern tail for example) but fun to kill. Everything has a charm to it that is hard to dislike.
Controls - ..........
Well, the controls could be better. I often find myself rendered unable to attack because the controller is not responding. Sometimes I have to try several times before I can make a simple slash. The camera is often at angles that just don't help at all. However, I don't see how the game could be made for any other controller. You NEED to have a Wii controller to do all of the brushstrokes. (Also, when you run with the nunchuk stick directly forward, you go run forward but over time turn slightly to the right.)
Entertainment - Very entertaining. Although surprisingly long, I never once got bored of the game. After my bro stops hogging the game, I will play it again.
Overall rating - 9. Very fun, great story line. Highly recommended for anyone who can live with control problems.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Review - Spiro: Dawn of the Dragon
First Thoughts -- I CAN FLY!!!!!! :D
I can't fly? What's with the flight system here?
I CAN fly. Or at least here I can, but not over there. ?
I can play as Cynder? YES!!!!!!!
Hey look, Hunter is back! He's been gone sense day... A long time ago!
Story line -- although a little too cheesy, it's surprisingly attaching. Even my brother, who is very dark-toned and evil, liked it. However, some quests are illogical and idiotic, and some are obviously only in the game to fill up blank spots.
Gameplay -- Larger, more free levels then the past Spiro games, the breath types are improved and overall much cooler, and the flying bit is a huge plus. Also, Armor is available, and it actually shows up on your dragon (playing as a dragon is also a big plus) and gives nice bonus stats. The game can be played in 2 player co-op, I played along with my brother.
Sound -- This is one part of the game I dislike. Even the voiceovers sound cheesy. Cynder sounds too girly, Spiro sounds like a dork, Sparx sounds like a BIGGER dork and everyone else sounds stupid. However, the music is dramatic and inspiring, and it makes many levels what they are. (The music was taken form older games that didn't make good use of them.)
Graphics -- Classic Spiro cartoon. Obviously fantasy and not real, but good enough to keep you entertained.
Controls -- Uses a Wii remote, not a good thing. Controls are sometimes erratic and unreliable. Camera is always at the wrong angle.
Entertainment -- although some parts are cheesy and/or illogical, this game is very entertaining and I would recommend it to
anyone who pays attention to game story lines. However, extreme boredom will result from finishing the game as all other games will seem drama-less and dull.
Over all rating - 8.5 or 9. Some things could be changed, but the dramatic, climactic story makes up for almost all bugs.
I can't fly? What's with the flight system here?
I CAN fly. Or at least here I can, but not over there. ?
I can play as Cynder? YES!!!!!!!
Hey look, Hunter is back! He's been gone sense day... A long time ago!
Story line -- although a little too cheesy, it's surprisingly attaching. Even my brother, who is very dark-toned and evil, liked it. However, some quests are illogical and idiotic, and some are obviously only in the game to fill up blank spots.
Gameplay -- Larger, more free levels then the past Spiro games, the breath types are improved and overall much cooler, and the flying bit is a huge plus. Also, Armor is available, and it actually shows up on your dragon (playing as a dragon is also a big plus) and gives nice bonus stats. The game can be played in 2 player co-op, I played along with my brother.
Sound -- This is one part of the game I dislike. Even the voiceovers sound cheesy. Cynder sounds too girly, Spiro sounds like a dork, Sparx sounds like a BIGGER dork and everyone else sounds stupid. However, the music is dramatic and inspiring, and it makes many levels what they are. (The music was taken form older games that didn't make good use of them.)
Graphics -- Classic Spiro cartoon. Obviously fantasy and not real, but good enough to keep you entertained.
Controls -- Uses a Wii remote, not a good thing. Controls are sometimes erratic and unreliable. Camera is always at the wrong angle.
Entertainment -- although some parts are cheesy and/or illogical, this game is very entertaining and I would recommend it to
anyone who pays attention to game story lines. However, extreme boredom will result from finishing the game as all other games will seem drama-less and dull.
Over all rating - 8.5 or 9. Some things could be changed, but the dramatic, climactic story makes up for almost all bugs.
Review - Sonic Unleashed
First thought -- Hey cool, Sonic is getting the snot beat out of him. He deserves it.
Hey cool, he turned in to a (slightly) cool werewolf thing.
.... .... ....
Why are his arms stretching 400 miles? That looks idiotic.
Is that annoying pesky rat-with-fairy-wings my sidekick?!?!?! *gouges eyes out*
Storyline -- I don't know, I'm not going to torture myself by playing through the whole thing.
Gameplay -- No hub. No finding the levels in a hub. No Chao. The levels are horrible. Everything is even more strait forward then
Sonic Adventure Battle 2. You can ONLY play as Sonic, granted in some levels he is the stretchy-armed "Werehog" of
doom. Those levels are 75% useless fights with ugly enemies, 24% stretching your ugly arms to grab poles and 1%
fun. The levels as regular sonic are slightly more interesting, with the classic "run as fast as you can" base of game
play. Unfortunately, you need to collect rings to go anywhere near "fast" and its all very cheap and almost 2D.
Bosses are frustrating and have to be fought while running on a strait path.
Sound -- I don't know who did the voiceovers, but whoever did needs to have the snot beaten out of him. Sonic sounds like
more of an idiot then he really is, and thats hard. Chip, your sidekick, doesn't really help except when he flies in front
of you, you often go faster, because you are tempted to strangle him. He is supposed to be cute and funny but all he
does is tick you off with his infuriating voice.
And then there's Eggman. At one point in time, he sounded good enough and I didn't get tempted to strangle him
whenever I saw him. Whatever happened to those days?
Graphics -- A bad attempt of good graphics. In other words, just plain horrible.
Controls -- I used a Gamecube controller, but you can use Gameube, Wii/Nunchuck or Wii Classic. Overall controls are fine.
Entertainment -- If you where lost in the desert with only this game to play for entertainment, you would rather entertain
yourself by counting how many buzzards are waiting for a meal in the sky around you.
Overall rating - 10!!! No, just kidding, 5. Maybe 4.5. This game sucks.
Hey cool, he turned in to a (slightly) cool werewolf thing.
.... .... ....
Why are his arms stretching 400 miles? That looks idiotic.
Is that annoying pesky rat-with-fairy-wings my sidekick?!?!?! *gouges eyes out*
Storyline -- I don't know, I'm not going to torture myself by playing through the whole thing.
Gameplay -- No hub. No finding the levels in a hub. No Chao. The levels are horrible. Everything is even more strait forward then
Sonic Adventure Battle 2. You can ONLY play as Sonic, granted in some levels he is the stretchy-armed "Werehog" of
doom. Those levels are 75% useless fights with ugly enemies, 24% stretching your ugly arms to grab poles and 1%
fun. The levels as regular sonic are slightly more interesting, with the classic "run as fast as you can" base of game
play. Unfortunately, you need to collect rings to go anywhere near "fast" and its all very cheap and almost 2D.
Bosses are frustrating and have to be fought while running on a strait path.
Sound -- I don't know who did the voiceovers, but whoever did needs to have the snot beaten out of him. Sonic sounds like
more of an idiot then he really is, and thats hard. Chip, your sidekick, doesn't really help except when he flies in front
of you, you often go faster, because you are tempted to strangle him. He is supposed to be cute and funny but all he
does is tick you off with his infuriating voice.
And then there's Eggman. At one point in time, he sounded good enough and I didn't get tempted to strangle him
whenever I saw him. Whatever happened to those days?
Graphics -- A bad attempt of good graphics. In other words, just plain horrible.
Controls -- I used a Gamecube controller, but you can use Gameube, Wii/Nunchuck or Wii Classic. Overall controls are fine.
Entertainment -- If you where lost in the desert with only this game to play for entertainment, you would rather entertain
yourself by counting how many buzzards are waiting for a meal in the sky around you.
Overall rating - 10!!! No, just kidding, 5. Maybe 4.5. This game sucks.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Huston, we have a problem.
I have stopped playing WoW as a lifestyle. I might pop on for a couple minutes, but the pure un-epicness of it is frusterating. I could save the world and the only person that will recognize me for it is that questgiver, and only for as long as that quest lasts. Then some other player will save the world too, and another, and another. Wait, I was the hero right? Nooo, you and all of these OTHER people!
Not saying WoW isn't fun. It just gets boring.(Edit.) Rejoice that I will not post about WoW. Maybe I will post game reviews of games I have recently played....
Not saying WoW isn't fun. It just gets boring.(Edit.) Rejoice that I will not post about WoW. Maybe I will post game reviews of games I have recently played....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Random Thought
One reason I post about World of Warcraft instead of Real Life;
In World of Warcraft, a decision you might make at some point in time would be, "Should I fight my way in to the depths of this dungeon and reap the great rewards, or should I just skip the whole place and live without the rewards?"
In real life, a decision could be, "Do I like frozen peas better boiled or cooked in the microwave?"
No seriously. Tonight at dinner time, THAT was a decision I made. (And by the way, I like my frozen peas boiled. >.<)
End of random thought.
In World of Warcraft, a decision you might make at some point in time would be, "Should I fight my way in to the depths of this dungeon and reap the great rewards, or should I just skip the whole place and live without the rewards?"
In real life, a decision could be, "Do I like frozen peas better boiled or cooked in the microwave?"
No seriously. Tonight at dinner time, THAT was a decision I made. (And by the way, I like my frozen peas boiled. >.<)
End of random thought.
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