I was looking at my mom's Flickr pictures and stumbled across the pictures of the Leopard Moths we have found.
I love moths. Butterflies are boring and usually ugly, but moths... Perfection. So when I saw the Leopard Moth for the first time, I was astounded by its beauty.

Besides the Leopard Moth, I have seen one other kind of exotic moth, I cannot name or find a picture of it though. We raised them from caterpillars, I remember. If I recall correctly they where/are huge moths with rich brown coloration. Lovely! (Edit: The moths we raised where Cecropia Moths. Look them up, very pretty, and they have the strangest caterpillars! Like little circus animals!)
Well, today I add another rare, beautiful moth to the list. The Luna Moth.

I've never seen a living Luna Moth in my life. I didn't even know they lived here. How gorgeous is it? I love the green wings, the brown, the yellow.. And it was big, not huge, but it had a 3-inch wingspan I hazard to guess. I first saw it when going over to tell mom about her Flickr photos, and then looking at the window.. "LUNA MOTH! LUNA MOTH!" We all freaked and went outside to marvel at it and take a few pictures.
Life is full of hidden beauty.
PS. To counter that last part, as we watched the Luna Moth, I heard something rustling the leaves by my feet. I look down and see a huge Garder Snake chowing down on a equally huge toad. It was... interesting. Not exactly a hidden beauty. And adding on to that, I think I saw that toad yesterday, while working outside. Good thing I didn't get too attached to it.
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