WoW post. Ignore if you want.
Lots of things in this post. I'll start with one of the most exciting things -- Tamable Worgen. Really, really awesome. I got one on both Rassaa, my Dwarf Huntress, and Bluefur, my Tauren Hunter. That picture above shows Bluefur and his new pet. Rassaa also has it, named Rhogar. The -best- pet in the game, and totally not supposed to be tamable. I love it. Strutting around in one of the cities, I got about twelve whispers about my Worgen pet. Alright, I'm a show off. But at least I was nice, actually two of the people wanted to invite me in to their guilds because, and I quote, "You're so leet." Bow before me.
Another thing. I've been playing Rassaa a lot, got her from level 75 to 76, nearly 77. Moved in to Sholizar Basin, I love the place. Funny thing, I was always worrying that I would find Loque'nahak, the rare spawn I sort of want and sort of don't, and not be able to tame him because I had my epic Worgen pet out.. But he is a -really- rare spawn. Really, really rare.
Anyway. I was questing, incidentally right next to one of Loque's rez points, and I kept getting this weird feeling that he was there. But I knew he couldn't be, because I camped him for months and never found him. But what the heck. Just a peek, I could just peek around to make sure he wasn't there.

Fate is a very strange thing.
Really, it wasn't as easy as abandon pet, set trap, tame. See, I had my worgen out at the time, and I was NOT abandoning my worgen. So that meant I had to run back to town, take a 1-minute flight path that seemed to take -forever-, put away my worgen, run back while freaking out that someone had probably found and tamed him by now, and then finally tamed him. And I admit, he is pretty epic. ( epic is my new word for awesome. )
Huh. I wonder what horrible death I am going to die tomorrow, with all the good luck I am having today.
You are epic!
Let me know when you get the loque (spelling?)
Yeah yeah. Look at my new post!
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