Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nobody that reads my blog will understand this. Feel free to skip it.

As the title says, this is not as much for the pleasure of my readers as it is for my well being. Or at least my minds well being. I must type!!!!111one

First off, I have turned in to a geeky Roleplayer. I made a WoW character (Ok, I still play the game, but not as obsessively.) on a Role Playing realm, and after a interview that I didn't know was an interview, got invited to a Heavy RP guild, The Earthspear Tribe. Apparently they are famous for their Story Circle event, where a few guilds get together (and any random people that want to RP and listen to stories) and tell legends, stories of their history, etc. I joined the guild just in time to come to the Story Circle, and I loved it. In fact, I loved the interview too. They asked me about where my character, Luake, came from, and I basically winged it and thought up a quick story. Now that "quick story" is often referred to when we are talking, and I have expanded it in to a story. Perhaps some day I will tell a story at the Story Circle....

Secondly, I transfered one of my mains, Lightfur, to the RP realm. I plan to make him a "Blind Elder" sort of character, obviously he would be blind, and is old. (Duh!) Also, he has given up hating anything. Alliance, Centaur, other Tribes, Venture Co., he doesn't "hate" any of them. He is displeased with their actions, but he thinks that all living beings are children of the Earthmother and deserve to live. I plan to have him tell a story at the Story Circle about a Human and an Orc that saved each others lives, and in the end killed each other, the moral being that hating another being for what they are is... wrong. (Duh, again.)


-Wolfington the geekazoid.


Anonymous said...


I understood most of it.

what was the /pants for?

The story sounds sad. Is it?

Wolfington said...

I tried to type really fast, so it was exhausting.

It is a sort of sad story.

(Holy crapola... In the middle of typing that I had this horrible pain around where my heart is. It hurt for a couple minutes, then it felt weird for a sec, then it stopped hurting. Gods I hope that doesn't happen again.)

music lover said...

yeah...that's kind of bad...