Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lightfur is 80 and flying
Epic flying is a must in Northerend. Travaling and doing quests is so much easier now that I don't have to fight my way in and out of every place I go. Now, leveling Vallrok (75 atm), I learned how much I miss flying.
Oh, and you know how I said I hated Loque'nahak? Well, the same thing happened with him that happened with Springpaw Stalkers. I used to hate them, now I love them. I am. SO. weird. So I think Vall is going to try and find that beast, and also level at the same time, because getting to 80 for him is a big objective. Crocoslime!!!!!
AND. All of my hunters are now BM. Survival is a great spec, but I can't stand having my pet always loose aggro! (And now I can tame just about anything. :-/)
THats all.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Rassaa 70
My bro was racing me on his DK, but I wasn't really racing HIM. I was taking my time leveling through SMV and, suprisingly, Netherstorm. As I neered 70, the bro got a bit more desperete to level and was grinding away on random mobs. I took my sweet time doing some fun little quests and leveling my pets, and what do you know... Ding! The bro starts swearing at me and I start grinning.
Anyhow. I got a really nice Gryphon, (I never knew how much I would love Gryphens.. *beam of light strikes down on one with a holy noise*) and moved to Northerend pretty much imedietly. Borean Tundra is great, and I got nearly two stacks of Cobalt in a couple of hours of questing.
Along the way I was in Stormwind, and I saw someone with that new pet, Loque'nahak. Now, I never really wanted the beast, but liked the way it looked, or so I thought...
No offence to anyone who likes the beasts looks, but I think it's just about the ugliest thing sense Rhinos. It's skin is too tight on it's body, it's back legs are too thin, head's too large, tail too long... I can go on and on. In my taste, Snow Leopards beat Loque'nahak. [EDIT] I now like how Loque'nahak looks.
Oh well. That's one pet off my tame list. (I was never going to tame him anyway.. He's EXOTIC. Grrr.) Enough ranting yet? I'll leave you with a pretty pic, then.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I have a cold.
/cough /hack /cough
Oh, and Rassaa is level 68 almost 69. Skipped Blades Edge, most of Nagrand, Netherstorm will probubly go untouched. Working on making some awesome epic goggles, I only need a couple more Eternium Ore!
And finely, I am thinking about making WoW lol cats, but I'm not all that funny, so its up to anyone who is funny to think up puns and all that. The fjords, I suppose.
(That was a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference. Laugh.)
Friday, November 28, 2008
News update
News #1 - New character - Deadfur the DK
Started him on the first day of Wrath. Not my favorite class, but fun none the less.

News #2 - Lightfur
Got Lightfur to level 74. Borean Tundra is awesome, Dragonblight is awesomer. Frozen Herb ftw! Epic FLight Form FTW!

News #3 - Talonheart
Level 31! Got a mount, now looking for a place to level :-/.

And finaly, News #4 - Rassaa

Treason Alert!
While finishing up Dragonblight on Lightfur, I got a pretty epic chain that ended up with me following Thrall, Zul'Jin (or whatever his name is) and Lady Sylvannis into a now-hostile Undercity. I was buffed in to oblivion and, in essence, made invinceble. The whole quest-event was kill, kill, move up a bit, kill, kill boss, repeat. Eventualy we got to the Royal Quarter and killed the big boss, Velatheris (whats his name, that big demon guy that stands next to Sylvannis.). I was expecting to complete the quest, get my rewards, and be on my way, but nooo.
Vorian had to show up with a couple guards. Great. He made a big "I hate you all burn in Hellfire" speach, proclaiming himself the biggest loser in all of WoW, and attacked us. The cheek!
Of course Jinia Proudmore showe up and teleported the Allience guards away, (I'm sure we could have killed them anyway...)and Thrall had a big emo-attack. /sigh.
[Edit]: Vorian should be thrown in the Stockades for attempting to create war that both the Allience and the Horde cannot afford, with the Lich King closing in on them and all.
The moral of this story is -- Rassaa is getting a nightsaber. Vorian, and Stormwind, is to annoying to be exlated with.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ok, thats one problem fixed...
I'm not sure if thats a good thing.
The problem is, Borean Tundra has the worst General chat in the history of WoW kind. I know that you can turn off general chat, but I don't like missing the LFG's and the ever so rare, and wonderfull, "Portal: Dalaran, last chance!" mages. So I'm stuck listening to the endless "WTF THSI QUEST IS BUGGED!" "How do I do Springing the Trap?" "(Enter stuped/obvious question here)"
It's not as bad in Dragonblight, luckily.
Lightfur is level 72, and Epic Flight form is very welcome. Vallrok is still 70, but he now has a white saberwolf named Brokenmaw (fitting, don't you think?) and is having a interesting time taming every beast in sight.
Bluefur and Rassaa are dorment for a while, mostly because Cenerion Circle is more packed than Aerie Peak. (you would think that the quiet, low-RP realm would be LOW traffic, but noo...)
All I need to do now is get Vall to 75, so he can get a Vargul Blighthound.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How did this happen?
This is LAME.
I noticed when I was doing some dailies and a hunter with a cute little pet came running by. I /pat'ed it, and it didn't do anything. I tried again. No luck. I tried telling the guild, but my chat didn't show up on my screen. I looked at Crekit's (my bro) screen, and my chat was showing up there..
My character(s) are deaf.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Training your pet = Patch 3.0
First things first, your pet no longer has training points. Instead, over the levels, your pet gets Talent Points just like you do. Unfortunately, I have no idea at what levels your pet gets training points at :-P [Edit]: your pet gets points at level 20, and every four levels after that. Anyway, to train your pet, simply go to your Talent window WITH YOUR PET OUT and click on the little tab that has your pets portrait. It will show a talent tree, either Cunning (PvP) Tenacity (Tanking) or Ferocity (DPS). Each pet family is assigned to one tree.
It's pretty obvious what you do from there. And don't worry, putting points in your pets talent tree doesn't subtract from YOUR talent points!
Dang. I don't even have to put in pets in this post -.-
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Cool! and not so cool.
On a different note, the family got into a rather... intense... argument about my dad playing WoW to much. Um, not cool?
Sometimes I resent WoW. But life isn't always perfect, right?
/cough, right?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bluefur's background
Suddenly a thick fog shrouded the water. Bluefur's father stopped the boat and sat silent, calm but alert. But nothing is alert enough to spot the bone-like horn and fin of an approaching threshadon, and the old Taunka was no exception. Only when it was too late did he notice the giant head and long neck of the beast and it rammed the boat, causing it to sway violently.
The grey mother gorilla snatched up her son and Bluefur, then jumped into the freezing waters. The taunka fisherman was quickly killed by the threshadon, but it had no interest in eating the body. It disappeared into the depths of the ocean and swam silently away, leaving the gorilla and her helpless burdens alone. She set a strong pace and started swimming southeast.
Twelve hours later the shivering, gasping mother gorilla dragged herself onto the orange shores of Durotar. She still carried two near-dead younglings, and the need to get them to safety was stronger than her need to rest. She struggled over the burning orange sands, fending off raptors and scorpids with desperate aggression. Finely she collapsed outside the gates of Orgrimmar, gasped once, and died. A guard found the body of the gorilla and, after a bit of searching, Bluefur and his young friend. They had moved out of the scorching sun and into the shade of a large orange rock, too young to look for help and too weak to move any farther. The guard knew that the younglings would soon die in the heat, so he carefully picked them up and took them to the Orphanage.
When Bluefur was old enough, he set off into the world to find a purpose. His "brother", named Utara, followed him at his side. That purpose was found when he heard of a land called Northerend, and about the Tuanka people that lived there. He fealt strangly drawn to the Tauren-like people...
(Bluefur actauly got Utara -Uhk'loc- at level 70. But thats not how I'm going to remember it.)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A usefull (maybe) post
What do you do?
A. Keep Kola as is and ignore the people that call you names.
B. Abandon Kola, or stuff him in the stable, and tame a new pet.
C. Ask for help from someone else.
D. Get super mad and delete the character, moving on to play a Paladin.
E. Train your pet!
Correct answer -- E.
"Huh????" you may be asking. "How do I do that?" Well, you know back at level 10 when you had just tamed your first pet and it kept running away 'cause it was hungry? Well, in doing the quest to get Feed Pet you also get Beast Training. Most likely you have used it before, maybe training Kola growl or Great Stamina. Well, that beast training GETS MORE SKILLS when you go out and tame new animals that have higher level skills. Let me run you through this.
When you use Beast Lore on a wild beast of the tamable sort, you'll probably see something like this;
Diseased Bear
level 51 beast
100-155 damage
2427 health
Diet: meat, fruit, cheese, fungus,
bread, fish
Tamed skills claw rank 7
(note: the amounts of health/armor, plus the skill it has, are not correct. Sorry.)
See the tamed skills part? When you tame that beast, it will have said skill. If you fight with that pet for a little while, letting it USE that skill, eventually you will see something like "(your name) has learned Claw (rank 7) (or other)!" in the chat log. That means that next time you go into the Beast Training menu, you will see Claw (rank 7) as an option. Woohoo! Now you can let Smelly the bear run free, unless you like him, and go get dear old Kola out of the stables.
Now you know what to do. Use some of the training points that have been building up over the many adventures and train Claw (rank 7) to Kola. This will most likely increase his aggro by a ton. Job well done!
Note that there are more skills then just Claw. Maybe you want Kola to focus more on Growl. If thats the case, then think about getting Bite. It has a longer cooldown and does pretty good damage, plus it doesn't use all the focus that Growl depends on!
Note again that you do not have to have a bear named Kola. That's just an example of a pet a hunter might have.
Well, now that you know about training skills to your pet, maybe you want to know more about training points. (don't worry, this will be quick. Maybe. /grin)
There are two ways to get training points;
Loyalty levels,
Leveling up your pet.
Now, if you got your pet at a reletively low level, then near all training points will come from levels. Every level up for your pet gets him/her a few more training points. Squiggles the boar, gotten at level 5, will have ~3-4 hundred training points at level 70 if she is never trained anything. She will get very few points from Loyalty levels, as there are so many levels ahead of her.
But lets say HereThere the Warpstalker is level 70 already when you tame him. Now what??? He can't get any training points from levels! But thats where Loyalty comes in. At loyalty level 1, it's highly likely that HereThere has negative training points. This does not mean that you did something wrong! If a pet has negative training points, DON'T WORRY. This is just Blizzard's way of getting it to balance out when you get to loyalty level 6.
When HereThere increases in loyalty, you'll notice he gains ~60 training points! This is because the points he can't get from leveling, he gets from loyalty.
Get it now? SOrry if I did a terrible job of explaining.
(If you where wondering...)
Kola - Mangeclaw
Smelly - Diseased Bear
Squiggles - Bristleback Battleboar
Herethere - Blackwind Warp Chaser
Oh, but in a month or so all this will change to be talant tree's for your pet. I'll just have to post again >.<
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Spock is an insanacat.
Well, the cat has had this pass-time hobby of jumping onto the counter and knocking everything off the counter. For a while, he had seemed to have forgotten about his uncanny ability because of Summer, our orange/white cat. She starting playing with him, and instead of the loud, annoying crashes of things falling on the floor, we would hear the louder, more annoying "CATHUMP CATHUMP CATHUMP" of two cats thundering around the house (and, you know how cats are supposed to be quiet and stealthy? Hmph, yeah right..).
But when I got home from school, I sat down with a bunch of grapes and tossed one at the cat, who was sitting on the counter reaching towards some milk. Instead of jumping off the counter, though, he just stopped reaeching towards the milk and pawed at the tiny grape. It rolled around a bit, and he found that immensely interesting. He pawed some more - his usual, 'if I touch it too hard I will get killed' paw - and it rolled more. He continued to do this until it rolled onto the floor, falling on our dogs nose, who quickly ate it. Spock was aghast! He couldn't BELIEVE it fell! He padded over to a little white med container and pawed, knocking IT over the edge. Crash! He was amazed!
This can only mean one thing;
spock has regained his uncanny ability to knock things over edges, then look utterly stunned and innocent.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A lot of things packed into one post
First off, Rassaa is level 61. She has a white armored horse now, although I am thinking about getting her a Nightsaber mount. After all, I am already revered with the Night Elves. So, here's Rassaa riding her horse, Lightforge.
Second, the reason Rassaa is *only* 61 is because I have been leveling two other characters. Say hello to Talonheart the night elf druid and Harasori the draenie hunter! Talonheart is level 21 as of now, and Harasori is 16. (note that Harasori is on the Moon Guard server, a major RP server.)
And finely, I WILL be posting more RP story. I'm jut lazy.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Rassaa gets a horse!
It took a while, but I did finish all the quests I could find in Duskwood. I was at about 10k/21k rep when I started, and I ended up with 17k/21k. I headed over to Stormwind to find more. I found a couple, but only enough to get me up to 19k/21k, curse it!
I headed to Elwyn.
I speant a while running around on my ram, looking for quests. I found a couple at an old farm, and in desperation did them all. I still didn't have enough, infact, I was only 500 rep away!!!
I found a quest in The Blue Recluse, however, and finished it. DING! DING! DING!
Heres me on my beautiful black stallion, doubed Darkiron. Later he will molt into a white coat, and will be renamed Lightforge.
(and if your wondering how I got rep so fast, quests reward 500 rep sometimes. And, I'm 57.5 right now.)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
RP story p.1
Snow drifted slowly to the ground and clung to the hair of the young dwarf who was crouched down beside a fir tree. She was cloithed in an assortment of leathers, on her head she whore the skinned head of a bear. I rose and flitted past the tree and, running low and silent, over a long distence of snow-covered feild. I knew that the probubility of someone finding me out here was slim, but the thrill of the hunt kept my heart pounding hard and my body low to the ground. I skidded to a stop at the edge of a frozen lake. Snow that had frozen to the ice gave traction, but I knew better than to keep running over it. After a few deep breathes, I removed a small spy-glass from my belt and peered through. Scanning over the lake's frozen surface, I cought sight of a far-off glow. I fiddled with the knobs on the spy-glass to zoom in, keeping my gaze on the light.
The strong figure of my master apeared next to the light. I scowled at her elven trainers comfort out on the frozen terrain, settled on a fur with a campfire and a full supply of foods, but pushed it aside. I had other things to worry about. Slipping the spy-glass back into my belt, I glanced around more than once to make sure no wild beasts where watching me. Or, even worse, my masters pet panther. If Arda cought wind of me, she would return to her master and report my location. But no beasts where around. Taking a deep breath, I ran hard and low over the lakes frozen water. The island in the middle was my target.
An arrow landed infront of me. Sighing, I stood errect of looked towards the campfire, but saw no trainer. I looked the other way, and there he was. He was only a hundred feet away, although in the dull evening light he was hardly visable. He walked towards me and smiled slightly, a warm look that always made me a bit calmer.
"Almost made it this time, young one." he said casualy. I sighed again and pulled the arrow out of the ice and returned it to my master's waiting hand.
"I won't ask how you went across the lake the long way in ten minutes without making any noise or being at all visable." I said with just a hint of humer. my master smiled again.
"I have my ways." He whistled sharply and Arda, his panther, apeared suddenly at his side.
"Do you get it from her or does she get it from you?" I asked. My master appeared comfused. "Er, the silence and the speed, I mean."
"Oh, it's from both of us. We learn from each other, as do you and I." he said. I nodded. He started off back to his camp, where the fire's light still gleamed. I followed him, carefull not to bother Arda. I knew of her slightly irritable attitude all to well.
~ to be continued ~
Friday, July 11, 2008
Mid-summer Stress
This post is not WoW related!
/cough /cough
It's the middle of July. The sun is shinning, I have minimal work to do, and Rassaa is beckoning me. The Vegetable Garden is full and green, with new Squash being picked every day. Suger Snap Cuccumber with Rice Viniger, yellow Squash with mushrooms, fried and eaten with pasta, the anticipation of Tomatoes(fun to pick, not to eat), beans, corn and potatoes.. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Well, Mid-Summer Stress (MSS) is ruening it.
yeah yeah, I hear you saying, "MSS isn't real, summer is all about the relaxation of having nothing to do!" but ah, there ARE things to do! Clean the house, Clean the pool, chemicalize the pool, fill the pool, organize friend meetings, write in the stuped journal that you where assigned to write 20+ entries, half a page minimal, of... Even organizing vecations, the most stress-less things, causes MSS. Will we go up north next week? Maybe next month? And then there are summer camps. Will the boy, my bro, get driving lessons this month? Or this FALL? Should I go to I-life camp again? Should I go to fencing?
All of this MSS is driving me up the wall! /pout
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Rassaa fifty(one)
I got Rassaa to fifty the other day. The day started as 47. I did a couple quests in Tanaris, getting to 47.5. I headed back to Gadgetzan, and put Sargeant in the Stable and took out.. Cat the lynx (40). Then I found a good, comfortable spot in the Gadgetzan Inn, and started LFG'ing ZF.
I found a group(wow!), with a Warr, Rogue, Pally & Priest. It started fine - we pulled, we killed, it worked fine, but then.. The Pally and the Rogue got in a fight. I hung to the side, hoping it would settle, but it didn't. THe preist let the Rogue die, and the ROgue left group. We had to go get another person, but nobody came. The Priest finaly just got on his 70 Hunter and gave the rest of us a run. It worked well, we where fine, I leveled to 49 and the Lynx got to level 44. When I turned in my quests, I was *almost* 50.
The next time I logged on, I found a group looking for someone with the Mallet of Zul'Farrak. Even though I had finished all of my quests, I wanted to level my lynx more.. I got into the group, a run with a Warr, Priest and a 67 Hunter. It went well, again, and I got into a guild! Socious Sempiterna, a dungeon-loving, happy guild. Aanyhow, I leveled to 50.5 and Lynx got to 47.
Don't ask me why, but the thought of Sprite Darter Mini-pets sprung into my mind. I looked it up. I found the questgiver, and easily did the 8-part chain. And I have... AN adorable Sprite Darter!!!
edit I named my Lynx, who is male, Tinder.
Friday, July 4, 2008
____ fourth of July!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bluefur 70!
I got Bluefur to 70!
*cough* sorry....
Okay, so I was spazz-questing, doing every easy-ish quest out in Netherstorm with Absumo, watching my xp bar slooowly creap up and up. I also did one of my favorite quest chains, the one that starts with taking back crates from the blood elves and giving them to the Nexus-prince? And then you find triangulation points, then kill a push-over 70 elite and get a god-power giving crystel? (that you cant use to get super powers, stinkO) Anyway, at the end of the chain the Nexus prince tells you to give the Uber-powerful rock to some floating jigsaw-puzzle in Shattrath, which is basicaly a god already... And there are no hunter rewards. But still, hey, its fun. And, after that chain, you get quest from A'dal to go to Temp/bot or something like that, and you get more lame gear and a Mech Key. Fun!
Sorry, I got off-topic.
When I hit 70, I headed out to Terrokar, and started running. Why? Because I have never laid a foot in Shadowmoon on this char. >.<
Absumo came and was an audience for me. <3
Heres me on Night the Blue Windrider.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Oh god I'm lazy...
I can't seem to lift my lazy butt off the chair and blog!
(Oops, sorry, lets try that again...)
*Breathes out slowly*
I have been playing Rassaa a bit, she is level 45 (Oooo, so much higher than my last post when I was 40! What was that, a month aggo?) and she have been mostly using Sarge as her pet. She rather gave up on getting a horse for now, Branzeback is a nice ram...
Last night, I think I got to tired and went a little insane. I decided to get Rassaa a level 7 Springpaw Lynx. *Cookoo noises* Unduanted, and a but crazy, she rode a Gryphon and went to Southshore. She stabled her beloved Sarge and grabbed a random crab for a guardien, and then mounted her trusty ram. Then she rode off through Hillsbrad and Silverpine, not bothered at all.
Once she reached Tristfall, my plan was made -- run into the Ruins of Loreron and use the Teleporter to tele into the middle of Silvermoon, then die and spirit rez at the graveyard. Easy!
Well, not really. I ran into UC, got flagged of coarse, and hurridly ran up to the teleporter. Uh oh...
Crap... Okay, turns out that Allience can't use the teleporter. Now what? (I noticed a little later that even if I had, I wouldn't have rezzed at the nearby graveyards, they are, I beleve, hord only.) I would have to take the normal path -- through the Plaguelands.
As she nervously entered the Western Plaguelands, Rassaa noticed that most of the animals didn't look particularly interested in her. Releived, she rode on. However, she soon learned looks could be decieving as a bruised-up Black bear started chewing on her ram's leg. Frightened, she ran off and didn't look back at the crazed bear.
Halfway through the Western Plaguelands, Rassaa was getting attacked at every turn. Insane wolves, Spiders, and bears advanced on her atevery angle. Rassaa spurred on her ram and rode past them, then entered a scary, blood-red area that the locals called "Eastern Plaguelands", although Rassaa thought it should be called "Land of Evil." Indeed, it was a very evil place -- giant, plagued bats flapped around her, gigantic grubs eating the corpses of dead travalers. She even caught site of what looked like mounds of sludge-ified plague! She shuttered and tempted her ram faster.
After dodging past countless monsters, inclueding grubs, bats and demonic dogs, Rassaa came apon Corrin's Crossing -- a deadly ghost town full of, well, ghosts. She swirved to the right, passing inbetween the town and a lake fullof Water Elementals. Then she went back onto the road, and rode on.
I am not ashamed to say that she totaly lost her way. Because I truely had no idea how to get to the Ghostlands from EPL, I resorted to guessing. She tried going up near Plaguewoods, dying several times, then discovered that there was no way to get across the mountains. After several more deaths, I went on Google to look.
After I found out where she could actualy get to Ghostlands, turns out you go through a portal, she easily got past the Plaguelands. Once in the Ghostlands, she avoided the towns and headed north, ignoring the stares all of the BE noobies gave her. When she reached Eversong, she skitted past the numerous towns and tracked down a beautiful Springpaw Stalker. It was busy stalking a young Dragonhawk, so it didn't notice Rassaa stalk up apon it. Talk about Stalking the Stalker. She started taming it without bothering with an Ice trap -- she just let the little guy chew at her. When he was tamed, she hearthed back to Ironforge and bought some meat, Roast Quille to be exact, and fed the cat until he was full. Then she headed out to Aerie Peak, the town not the server, and started killing wolves. Here is my attack pattern;
Ranged - Aimed shot, cuncusion shot, Arcane shot, serpent sting, lots of Auto shot.
Melee - Auto attack, Raptor strike if needed, Mingoose bite when possible.
After only a couple hours, her little kitty was level 23 and at loyalty level 5. While she was grinding, a couple things dropped for her -- a Mistscape Sash, and something truely special -- a truely Dazzling Dazzling Longsword! That one raked me in 200g, although I probubly could have sold it for more.
Anyway, I rather enjoyed that adventure. I hope to do a dungeon soon to level up my kitty, and, *hint hint* he/she still needs a name.. And, it's one of these.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Rassaa Review
Friday, April 25, 2008
Prairie Wolf
I ran out into Bloodhoof Village and hung out for a minute, then ventured a bit south to find a Prairie Wolf. I tamed the highest level one I found, and *very* easily leveled him up to 10. Why did I get a low level wolf? Prairie Wolves are special -- they bark when you click them, like that level 35 wolf, Spot, in Theramore Isle. I named him something really lame, but this charecter likes cute names for her little anklebiter pets. Therefore, I named him "yipper" or "yip" for short.
By the way, my friend asked me why most people don't have a barking wolf. The short answer, they don't know about the skill. The long answer, they don't constently check Petopia for new pets (or old pets) with special talents. In a new hunters mind, a level 10 when tamed wolf is better than a level 6 when tamed wolf.
Aannyway, my little hunter now has a friend.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Bluefur hits 60!

Note: I named the boar Soul.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Meet SummerGale!

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Bluefur gets a wolf!

Bluefur is nearing 60, and the last thing he wants when he hits 60 is a clunky old kodo. After leveling 15 levels with a Grey Kodo, he had enough of the dino. So he decided he would just do the Orc beginning quests and cloth turn ins to get a wolf. Easy, right?
After all of the boring newbie quests and all but the runecloth turn ins, Bluefur was barely into Revered(three bars to be exact). This was a problem. What was he to do, farm five bazillion stacks of runecloth to turn in? Not going to happen. While sadly gazing at the wolf he wanted at the time, a Timber Wolf, he noticed an Orc running by with a Frostwolf Tabard on. Then it struck him -- He could just do Alterac Valley a hundred times and turn in Bloods and armor scraps! The simplicity of the idea was astounding. He rushed into the queue and got started.
46 Alterac Marks of Honor later, Bluefur was two thirds of the way towards exalted with Org.
24 Alterac Marks of Honor and a Frostwolf Tabard later, Bluefur had hit it... He was exalted!
(Note that this took a lot longer in game then it sounds like.)
He sprinted out to Org and examined the wolves. For some reason that escaped Bluefur's mind, the Dire Wolf called out to him! He didn't really like the gray look, but seconds later he was proudly perched on the coolest mount in the game -- a wolf!
By the way, Tauren wolf mounts are BIG. I posted some pictures of his mount compared to a Orc wolf mount.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
About "lame" pets
Nether Rays
Now, some of these guys are considered wimpy for there skills. Sporebats, for instence, can not learn anything but Cower, growl, etc. They can not learn Dash, bite, claw (But not learning claw and bite makes sense... THey neither have mouthes or claws! But why not Dash? Or Dive?).
Serpents, well, I don't know why people sometimes don't like them. For instence, when Bluefur was level 19, he ran out to the Barrens to get a Deviot Serpent. When asking for help getting one, somebody thought up the brilliant answer of, "Dont get a serpent cuz thay suk. Get a Raptor nub." Well what if I don't WANT a raptor?!
Anyway, my snake stayed with me until about 39, when I actualy did get a raptor. *sigh* I will report, however, that he was an AWSOME pet! In fact, I recently got on Vallrok and set my hard-earned Shy-Rotam free and went into Zul'Gurub, (where I died several times. Those guys are TOUGH, even with a 70 priest with me!) and got myself a brown snake. Who knew you could swim around the enemies and get a snake without killing anything? Gosh!
By the way, for the record, the snake got taller than me as soon as I tamed him. I wonder how tall with Beastil Wrath... *evil cackleing insues*
I love hyenas. I would have a bunch of Hyenas, but they have one back side... The animation is bugged >.<
They have the movement (attack and mountspecial kind of things, not run.) of wolves, and that seriously bugs up the Hyenas... Bum. When they attack, their tail (and whole rump!) retracts into it's back, looking very peculiar. And, when they die and do that mountspecial where they scratch themselves, their tail elongates tramendously. It rather sucks, because I love some of the looks!
Tallstriders. I really don't see what people don't like about them, Rassaa has one and it is easily soloing 2-3 mobs. Seriously, my big ostriche rocks! Anyway, they have a +5% health modier, with no -% on anything! Plus, they come in many floresent colors that apeal to many hunters. Who wouldn't love a pink tallstrider running around behind you?
Nether rays... Well, they are really cool looking, and have interesting stats -- DPS: +3%, AR: -10%, HP: +10%.
But, I see a reason for people not to like them. Yeah, they don't learn much, and also they are all, or almost all, Casters. And caster pets requier alot more attention then a nice Tallstrider or kitty. The only color of Nether Ray that is not made up of casters only is Netherrayskinblue, and it is only found in dungeons. So sad!
Crabs are just cool. Not only do they make a cool "Click-click" noise when they run, they also have nice Armor!
And, who couldn't resist the idea of having a massive CRAB flaying your enemies? (plus, they grow to giant sizes after a few levels!)
Crocolisks canbe reliable pets, if you are fond of the six-legged look. (Personaly, I think they are rather confident, powerfull-looking creatures.) Sometimes people do not like thr gasping noise they make, but I find it calming. *Coo-coo clock noises*
Also, they have +10% armor. (-5% health, but hey, thats cool.)
I have run into few hunters with Spider pets. Why not more? Well, the only three reasons I can find is,
1. They are rather nasty, disgusting looking creatures! Some people are just creaped out seeing a spider that size crawling behind you.
2. Their legs are meant to move quickly even when the spider is walking. When they RUN, the legs move much to fast and it looks ackword.
3. They can only learn Bite!!! Seriously, they should get "Spider Spit" or "Silk Web."
So if you are looking for a pet to just hang around with and solo, maybe get a few whispers about your exotic pet, look towards these guys. If you are looking for BG/Raid, umm, go look for some Wolf/Owl/Ravager/Cat kind of beasties ^.^
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Rassaa gets another...

Saturday, March 8, 2008
I got Araga, a long time aggo...

Rassaa hits 10!

Rassaa hit 10 a couple of minutes ago, but unlike my usual "Drop-Everything-And-Tame" ritual, I continued my gnome killing quest until I finished, turned it in, then ran to Brewnall Village to turn in quests there! When everything was done, I headed back to Kharanos to start the tasks. Unfortunetely, on her way, another dwarf bumped into her and asked where Brewnall Village was.
"East, past the mountain valley" I told him, and even pointed in the right direction.
"Eh? You will have to show me." He responded.
Now do you see why Rassaa likes Draenie more?
10 minutes and a jog from Brewnall to Kharanos later, I was standing next to a boar who, ignorently, was eating a small grass sprout. I tamed him and quickly let the beast free, for boars are just not my thing.
I set out again to tame a Snow Leopard. Although I am rather fond of the white spotted skin, I am sick and tiered of cats for it seems EVERYONE has them. However, I held on to him for longer than usual, admiering the cats soft coat and gracefull run.
For the second to last time I ran out of Kharanos, heading for a Ice Claw Bear. I do like the bears massive size and power, but it seems that every dwarf out there has a Bear of some sort, be it tan or black or grey. When I tamed it, I thought about grabbing Mangleclaw later on, but dissmissed the thought when I noticed that Timber was waiting up on the hill, a pack of three wolves behind him.
After the quest there, she went to Ironforge and learned to train pets. She ALSO learned that Alliance can be... Dumb. There were 6-7 naked gnomes at the enterence, and a Night Elf was yelling at people to be ready for the "gnome race." I dissmissed myself and ran like a panicked cat away from Ironforge, towards the Iceflow lake where I knew Timber was awaiting me.
Timbers pack was not happy to see me, and I resorted to nuking one wolf out of the pack, running into the pond, and repeating. It worked pretty well, as you can see by the picture above! Now I just need a name...
Friday, March 7, 2008
Say hello to Rassaa!
So I turned my computer away from the T.V. where my brother and dad resided like vegetables and made her. Because she lives on a RP realm, Cenerion Circle, I made her personality and background too!

Personality wise, she is rather well-tempered but tires easily of ignorent people, and even more easily of anyone of the Night Elf race. (Sadly, she is rather unfond of the stocky, purple beings. But then, they are mostly unfond of her right back.) She would much rather hang out with the Draenie or Humans than Gnomes, other Dwarfs, or Night Elves.
At the moment, she is level 8. At ten she is planning on powering through the pet quests and taming the beautiful animal which is Timber, the white worg.
But maybe she will try out some more exotic things, like birds and crabs and scorpids!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Well! that narrows it down!
I went to Petopia and looked around for something attractive but unique. The answer was obvious -- get Araga the lioness!
So I headed out to Alterac Mountains and got prepared to tame a rare. Unfortunetely, she is much rarer than I had thought.
After a couple of hours, I tired of killing mountian lions and played an alt for a couple more hours.Then re-logged on Bluefur and looked around. Still not there... Hmm...
More playing an alt.
Checked again! No Araga.
Next day....
What the crap do you mean she still isn't here!?
Any ideas on how to get this guy welcome.. Of course I don't have any readers. =/
Friday, February 15, 2008
Getting Shy-Rotam
A friend from my guild came to help, as she had yet to do the quest Shy-rotam of the Frostsaber. Actualy, she had yet to do the whole chain. I helped her through, grumbling all the way about how BLizzard made the quests to easy by making the enemies non-elite.
When we finaly got to the stage with the cat, we ran out to the Frostsaber Den and started killing cats.
10 minutes later.... Nothing..
20 minutes later.... No Sacred Frostsaber meat yet..
30 minutes later.... Ok seriously..
45 minutes later.... Yes!!!!!
Ok, so now we had the meat, we just need to summon him, right? Right!
Hey, why is "tame beast" not useble yet? What? Mana? Crap! Ok, drink a mana potion, we are ok..
Auto shot. *random troll swear words* ok, he has 15% health left...
Ok, I have him in Ice, I am taming... He is out of ice! 2 seconds left... WHAT?! He can FEAR!?!?!
No mana left, put on aspect of the viper, (which I forgot I even HAD) ok, lets try this again. Taming...
18 seconds later, Vallrok is running around randomly with a fear spell one him.
Ok, seems like his fear has an 18 second CD. Tame Beast is a 20 second cast.
I have enough mana for an Ice trap!
I have enough mana for tame beast!
I have a new pet!
Note: all this took about 3 minutes of in-game time. For one 20 second cast.
My charecters
- is a level 70 troll hunter.
- has 3 pets, a black wolf (nameless), a white tiger named Sarrow (spelled wrong), and a blue tiger from wintersping (nameless).
- has mostly blue gear with only 2 epics, a ring from Headless Horseman and a Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer.
- is not played very often
- is a BM hunter that is thinking of going MM.
- Armory
- is a level 70 tauren Feral druid.
- has 1 epic, a S1 gladiators shoulder peice.
- spends most of his time doing dailys.
- is bored of BG's already.
- Armory
I also have a RP hunter on the Cenerion Circle server...
- is a level 45 tauren MM hunter.
- has Goreclaw the Ravenous as a pet, named Heavyfoot.
- has only 4 blues.
- is thinking about switching guilds.
These are just my most played charecters. I also have a 33 lock, 21 warrior, 14 pally, 13 mage and 6 rogue. All of which are Horde.
I play WoW
If you know what the game is and you play it, then you might understand this blog. If not, well, read the posts about RL (real life) or just visit for my mothers words on life.
In RL, I have a cat named Spock and two dogs, Emily and Jamie. I live with my mom and dad, and my annoying highschool brother. (yes, he is also a WoW addict. More of one than me, in fact.)
Spock is all you can expect from a cat. Curious, cute, active, lazy and bored all at the same time. You are just as likely to see him sleeping as you are to see him thundering down halls and batting at our dogs tails. His silver tabby fur hides the Bengal Tiger inside.
Jamie is the good dog. He loves people, balls, sleeping, dad, FOOD, snow, and toys. If you could not tell by that description, he is a Golden retriever.
And finaly there is Emily, our shelter dog with a submisive attitude. She gets nervous when more than 6 people are in the house, and just freaks when there are holidays. She is a mix breed mutt.
About Me

- Wolfington
- A wolf den, deep in the forests of the, United States
- I LOVE WOLVES!!! I like drawing, writing and being a lazy blob. Oh. And I play World of Warcraft, and other random video games.
My army of Mindless Drones. Just kidding. Maybe.
random quotes
"Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity."
- That guy
A quote that matches my brother; "It's hard to be humble when you are as great as I am."
- Muhammad Ali