Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bluefur gets a wolf!

Bluefur is nearing 60, and the last thing he wants when he hits 60 is a clunky old kodo. After leveling 15 levels with a Grey Kodo, he had enough of the dino. So he decided he would just do the Orc beginning quests and cloth turn ins to get a wolf. Easy, right?


After all of the boring newbie quests and all but the runecloth turn ins, Bluefur was barely into Revered(three bars to be exact). This was a problem. What was he to do, farm five bazillion stacks of runecloth to turn in? Not going to happen. While sadly gazing at the wolf he wanted at the time, a Timber Wolf, he noticed an Orc running by with a Frostwolf Tabard on. Then it struck him -- He could just do Alterac Valley a hundred times and turn in Bloods and armor scraps! The simplicity of the idea was astounding. He rushed into the queue and got started.

46 Alterac Marks of Honor later, Bluefur was two thirds of the way towards exalted with Org.

24 Alterac Marks of Honor and a Frostwolf Tabard later, Bluefur had hit it... He was exalted!
(Note that this took a lot longer in game then it sounds like.)
He sprinted out to Org and examined the wolves. For some reason that escaped Bluefur's mind, the Dire Wolf called out to him! He didn't really like the gray look, but seconds later he was proudly perched on the coolest mount in the game -- a wolf!

By the way, Tauren wolf mounts are BIG. I posted some pictures of his mount compared to a Orc wolf mount.

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