Sunday, February 8, 2009

Huston, we have a problem.

I have stopped playing WoW as a lifestyle. I might pop on for a couple minutes, but the pure un-epicness of it is frusterating. I could save the world and the only person that will recognize me for it is that questgiver, and only for as long as that quest lasts. Then some other player will save the world too, and another, and another. Wait, I was the hero right? Nooo, you and all of these OTHER people!


Not saying WoW isn't fun. It just gets boring.(Edit.) Rejoice that I will not post about WoW. Maybe I will post game reviews of games I have recently played....


Anonymous said...


Fight the power, man! TAke charge of your life!

Now what? Real life? That will be different.

Wolfington said...

Very different.

Btw, have you played anay good Xbox 360/Wii/PS3 games that you where impressed by recently?

I tried Sonic Unleashed (bad move, I know) and hate it.

I played Spiro: Dawn of the Dragon already. Great game for its story line and has some good features (Flying, better breath powers) but it's the kind of game you play once.

Might try MySim Kingdom but it looks a bit short, and easy...

Anonymous said...

ooh...ummm...wii fit? That was fun for a little while....

Wolfington said...

Well, for now I am fine, playing Okami for the, uh, third time.

Wolfington said...

OOps, forgot to say, thanks for the suggestion, might try that game.

Anonymous said...

The 3rd time?? Did you beat it 2 times already?