Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Birthday is... Today!

My birthday is today. I remember only a few years ago waking up and running around screaming because I would get mounds of presents.


I'm looking forward to the cake. And I get to open a couple presents. It's a lot simpler then it used to be. Calmer. I like it.
Next time we go up north I'm going to have Birthday v.2. Just like we have (had) Christmas and Christmas v.2. And if we where lucky, Christmas v.3.

So wish me happy birthday or.... I will curse you with the Summoning Dark!
(The Summoning Dark is in the Terry Pratchett book Thud!. Read it, it's awesome. AND NO I'M NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT!)


Princess Leia said...

I read the back of THUD!
it looked... interesting.

Happy Birthday, BTW.
We should hang out sometime.
I will call you.
Or email you.

normanack said...

I would shower you in a zillion presents if I could. . . . You are a delight. :-)

(Have I embarrassed you enough yet?)

Happy Birthday!