Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been playing Bluefur lately (he is 47 at the moment...) and decided that he wanted a cat as a pet.
Well! that narrows it down!
I went to Petopia and looked around for something attractive but unique. The answer was obvious -- get Araga the lioness!
So I headed out to Alterac Mountains and got prepared to tame a rare. Unfortunetely, she is much rarer than I had thought.
After a couple of hours, I tired of killing mountian lions and played an alt for a couple more hours.Then re-logged on Bluefur and looked around. Still not there... Hmm...
More playing an alt.
Checked again! No Araga.

Next day....

What the crap do you mean she still isn't here!?

Any ideas on how to get this guy welcome.. Of course I don't have any readers. =/

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